f4m impreg Hey! Thanks for meeting me here on short notice. Can I get you anything to drink? I could order you a coffee, if you wanted. [brief pause] No? Alright. So…I guess I should go ahead and explain why I asked you to meet me here. Alone. I know it’s a little weird, a married woman asking her married male friend to meet her for coffee. I know this is a weird request, and it’s totally OK to say no. But just hear me out. You know how my husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for a little while? The thing is…we’re having some trouble. It’s been 6 months, and nothing is working. We were getting a little frustrated. …But then I had a thought. Your wife told me that both times you got her pregnant, it only took one try. From what I hear you’re pretty…potent? Haha. So, I talked about it with my husband, and with your wife, and we all agreed that it would be a good idea to ask you if I could…borrow you. [pause] No, not quite like a semen donation…that was our first thought, but we looked into it, and it’s actually pretty expensive to have that done. We’d want to go to the doctor with your semen to have that done, and our insurance wouldn’t cover it. But, seeing as we’re all such close friends, we thought it would be ok if – just this once – we just did it…the natural way. f4m impreg How to dowload it? f4m impreg [pause] Huh? Oh, yeah! I promise. Me and your wife and my husband all talked this through, for a good long while. We’re all completely OK with it, as long as it isn’t too…personal. We’d want to make it as quick and clinical as we can, so we don’t feel like we’re being romantic or anything. It would be 100% no strings attached. No hard feelings, no attachment, nothing like that. Your wife was actually kind of…excited about it. She talked for a while about how much she enjoys having sex with you, and she seemed kind of eager to…share you. [pause] Oh, don’t worry about that. I had a lawyer friend draw up a contract that I can show you later. You’d have absolutely no parental rights or responsibilities. Any baby that you and me made would be, legally, 100% the child of me and my husband. The absolute only thing you’d need to do is…well, get me pregnant. [pause] f4m impreg PasteShr f4m impreg I can understand how you’re still a little…hesitant. Can I maybe talk you through how it will work, and see if that changes your mind? [brief pause] Ok, so here’s what we had in mind. We’ll meet at the hotel that’s just down the block. I’ll give you a day, a time, and a room key, and you’ll just arrive there at that time. Again, we want to make sure that we’re as…efficient as we can be, so that no one feels like anything romantic is going on. I’ll wear something that isn’t too revealing, but that’s also pretty…easy access, so you can get, sorry for the joke, but, in and out as quickly as possible. I’ll probably just wear a plain white top, and I’ll also wear a long, loose fitting skirt. I’ll make sure to touch myself for a while before you arrive, so that by the time you get there we won’t have to do any foreplay or anything. You’ll come in, and I’ll be bent over the bed with my butt facing the door. We shouldn’t say anything or do anything – we should just get right to it. You’ll come up behind me and flip my skirt up over my butt. I’ll be wearing panties, so you’ll pull those down over my butt, and slide them down to the floor. All you have to do then is slide inside of me, take as long as you need, and what’s important is that you cum as deep inside of me as you can. We can try again, if this doesn’t work, but I’d love to get pregnant as soon as possible. Your wife says that you’re…a pretty good size, so it’d be great if you could try to cum right up against my cervix. After we’re done, you can leave, and that’ll be that! How does that all sound? [pause] f4m impreg How to use it? f4m impreg Oh, wow. Yeah I can…see that you’re a little bit worked up. Have you…thought about this before? [pause] Well…I mean, I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about you like that either. But again…you love your wife, and I love my husband, so let’s just try to be nice and quick about it. I don’t want this to hurt our friendship or anything. [pause] I’m really glad that you’re on board. I was so worried that you’d think this was weird. So, I was thinking – this Friday, at 3:00? I’ll swing by the house that morning with a room key. And one more thing…you shouldn’t masturbate between now and then. I want you to be super backed up, both so that you can be ready to cum quickly, and so that I can get…as much as I can get. f4m impreg How to get it for free? f4m impreg [brief pause] Great! I’ll see you then. [pause, for next scene] Hey! I’m glad you could – oh, you’re right. We said no talking! I’m sorry. I’m just a little bit…nervous. I’ve been in the room touching myself for almost an hour waiting for you. You should have no problem slipping right in. Right, so just – right, just pull my skirt up over my butt. [nervous laugh] Have you ever wondered what my butt looked like? Well, get a good look…this is probably the only chance you’ll have to see it. Mhmm, and just – right, just pull my panties down over my butt. f4m impreg How to use it? f4m impreg [brief pause, nervous laugh] Well…I guess…this is it? Are you ready? [long gasp] Oh my…oh my god. Your wife…wasn’t kidding… [improv gasp, moaning] Yeah, I’m…I’m really wet. I’ve been…waiting for this…for a long time…here, pull out of me for a second. I want to feel you enter me again…I want to feel my lips spread apart as you enter me…[improv long gasp] f4m impreg How to dowload it? f4m impreg You can…if you want, you can…put your hands on my hips…I don’t think that would be…cheating or anything…[improv gasp, moaning] [improv for a while moaning, gasping] Ok so just make sure…make sure you cum…as deep as you can… [improv] I’m gonna cum…can we…can we cum at the same time? Here, I’m going to count down… f4m impreg How to dowload it? f4m impreg Yeah, grab my hips harder…make sure you’re as deep as you can go… Ok…oh god… 5…. 4…. 3…. f4m impreg How to dowload it? f4m impreg 2…. 1…. Oh my god! I’m cumming! Holy shit…yes…YES, I can feel you cumming inside of me! Please, god, yes, get me pregnant! YES! [improv] [exhausted exhaling] f4m impreg How to get it? f4m impreg Ok….no, yeah, I’m just going to stay like this…after you leave I’m going to get on my back and lay here for a while, to make sure everything…sticks. [pause] I know we got a little too into it. But that was bound to happen. It’s ok. We don’t have to tell anyone. As far as anyone else knows, this was quick and clinical. [pause] Yeah, I’ll let you know in a few weeks if it…took. And if not…we can always try again? f4m impreg