doors script roblox pastebin local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() -- Create entity local entity = Creator.createEntity({ CustomName = "Unknown", -- Custom name of your entity Model = "rbxassetid://11396762463", -- Can be GitHub file or rbxassetid Speed = 200, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed DelayTime = 2, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds) HeightOffset = 0, CanKill = true, KillRange = 40, doors script roblox pastebin PasteShr doors script roblox pastebin BreakLights = true, BackwardsMovement = false, FlickerLights = { true, -- Enabled/Disabled 2, -- Time (seconds) }, Cycles = { Min = 1, Max = 4, WaitTime = 2, doors script roblox pastebin How to get it? doors script roblox pastebin }, CamShake = { true, -- Enabled/Disabled {30, 30, 0.1, 1}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know) 50, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you) }, Jumpscare = { true, -- Enabled/Disabled { Image1 = "rbxassetid://11394048190", -- Image1 url doors script roblox pastebin How to use it? doors script roblox pastebin Image2 = "rbxassetid://11394048190", -- Image2 url Shake = true, Sound1 = { 10483790459, -- SoundId { Volume = 0.5 }, -- Sound properties }, Sound2 = { 10483837590, -- SoundId { Volume = 0.5 }, -- Sound properties }, doors script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? doors script roblox pastebin Flashing = { true, -- Enabled/Disabled Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), -- Color }, Tease = { false, -- Enabled/Disabled Min = 1, Max = 1, }, }, doors script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? doors script roblox pastebin }, CustomDialog = {"I can't tell who you died to", "Basically just get in the closet quickly if there is a flickering light", "Entity:unknown210532", ".........."}, -- Custom death message }) -----[[ Advanced ]]----- entity.Debug.OnEntitySpawned = function(entityModel) end entity.Debug.OnEntityDespawned = function(entityModel) doors script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? doors script roblox pastebin if getgenv().death == false then getgenv().Title = "Out of many Rebounds" --Title Here getgenv().Description = "Might Come back or not" --Description Here getgenv().Reason = "Encounter and survive the rare Entity called A-60" --Reason Here getgenv().BadgeId = 2129181688 --Replace Number with Your Badge ID getgenv().Category = 10 --You can replace the Category or dont local Unlock = require(game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.MainUI.Initiator.Main_Lobby.RemoteListener.Modules.AchievementUnlock) local Achievements = debug.getupvalue(Unlock, 1) for i,v in pairs(require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Achievements)) do doors script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? doors script roblox pastebin v.Title = getgenv().Title v.Desc = getgenv().Description v.Reason = getgenv().Reason v.BadgeId = getgenv().BadgeId v.Category = getgenv().Category end Unlock(nil,"Join") end end doors script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? doors script roblox pastebin entity.Debug.OnEntityStartMoving = function(entityModel) end entity.Debug.OnEntityFinishedRebound = function(entityModel) end entity.Debug.OnDeath = function() getgenv().death = true doors script roblox pastebin How to use it? doors script roblox pastebin getgenv().Title = "Out of many Rebounds" --Title Here getgenv().Description = "Might Come back and did" --Description Here getgenv().Reason = "Encounter and dont survive the rare Entity called A-60" --Reason Here getgenv().BadgeId = 2129181688 --Replace Number with Your Badge ID getgenv().Category = 10 --You can replace the Category or dont local Unlock = require(game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.MainUI.Initiator.Main_Lobby.RemoteListener.Modules.AchievementUnlock) local Achievements = debug.getupvalue(Unlock, 1) for i,v in pairs(require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Achievements)) do v.Title = getgenv().Title doors script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? doors script roblox pastebin v.Desc = getgenv().Description v.Reason = getgenv().Reason v.BadgeId = getgenv().BadgeId v.Category = getgenv().Category end Unlock(nil,"Join") end --------------------------- -- Run the created entity doors script roblox pastebin PasteShr doors script roblox pastebin Creator.runEntity(entity) doors script roblox pastebin