diaper stories forum Story and Art Forum [DD] Boards & Chat LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store Diapered For Summer By Tom1215, May 13, 2013 in Story and Art Forum Prev 2 Next diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum Page 2 of 5 Ashleybabygirl667 29 Ashleybabygirl667 Posted May 18, 2013 Cant wait for more Tom1215 60 diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum Tom1215 Posted May 19, 2013 The three girls were changed as steph squatted down and grunted, pushing the back of her pull-up out. Jumping out of the car, she shouted " mommy mommy mommy I went potty in my pants!" Running toward mommy with her pull-up being held by her thighs. Of course, she was demoted to baby status along with the others. Ce Ce was told to get in the baby seat, since she leaked before and they were off, but kris had to hold Amy in her lap. diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum "You girls aren't really big enough to go to an amusement park. I think that we will go to the store to get you girls some items that go along with being a baby", which started the girls off whining. They were ignored as they got off the highway and into a mall instead. "First up well get you some more appropriate clothes and some pants," she said watching the girls cry in the back. They walked into the store and got some weird looks as people saw the teen girls in diapers. They were led to the pre teen and xxxl toddler section since they were all quite small. Mom picked out four fuzzy onesies fir them to sleep in which had either rainbows, polka dots,hearts, or " Baby girl" written on them. Then mom grabbed pacis for them with "cutie" written on the ends. "Girls, pick out your own age appropriate clothes now. Like 1 diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum babybb 31 babybb Posted May 19, 2013 lol poor girls. Tom1215 60 Tom1215 diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum Posted May 20, 2013 Thanks for the feedback everyone! I appreciate it! dldad 20 dldad Posted May 20, 2013 I think the girls are age regressing rather rapidly, looks like mom will have her hands full with diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted May 20, 2013 They each picked out a different version/ color of the following: Hannah Montana t shirt, a lacy babyish dress, a shirt that said cutie on it, strawberry shortcake jeans, and pair of bright pink shorts. Their mom also picked out particularly embarrassing clothes for them on addition, consisting of a t shirts that say I poop in my pants and its ok, pampered princess, I love my diapee, and a Dora t shirt along with shorts that had padded written across the back. The girls couldn't believe that their mom and in Kris's case her friends mom, would do something like that seeing the babyish clothes in their own hands. When she was out of earshot, Amy said,"guys I'm sorry for making fun of you. If we weren't fighting, we probably wouldn't even be in this mess" said the younger girl indicating the girls attire, consisting of only a shirt and diaper. "Well sorry isn't going to do anything now, is it!" diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum Yelled Cecelia as a group of 11 year olds walked by snickering. "Hey she is only trying to make amends. You don't have to be so mean to her!" Steph said pulling Amy close protectively. "You would say that! I think that you like being babied! I watched you shit yourself on the car on purpose, you little sicko!" Cecelia shouted smugly, causing steph to blush as amy and kris stared at her dumbfounded. "Is....is that true?!!" Amy said. diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum "Are you serious Stephanie?" Kris exclaimed. "Yeah, it is ok!" Steph said crying. Like 1 babybb 31 babybb Posted May 20, 2013 diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum love the update. and love the story. Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted May 21, 2013 "Yeah, is that okay with you" steph repeated sobbing. diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum Amy smiled at her big sister," yeah, your my big sis. If you like this, then I'm okay with it" she replied hugging her sister. "Awww, look at the little babies hug. Steph you are disgusting, I can't believe you like to wear these things!" Cecelia said standing close to kris who was obviously disgusted by steph as well. Amy just stood on her toes to give steph a proper hug, just as their mom was coming back. "Awww, looks like I know who is best friends with who know" she said observing Amy's hug and taking Cecelia and kris standing together as a form of friendship. "You girls are awfully quiet. Is everyone getting along?" diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum "Yeth mommy, we are all bestest fwiends!" Lisped kris to cover. "Ok, now come along to the changing room, and lets get those diapers checked and some pants on you girls!" Mom said leading them over to the family bathroom.. She pulled back each girl's diaper and pronounced them all clean, and took out the first four pairs of pants she felt. "Ok Amy here are your pants" she said pulling the shorts that said padded up her legs. She gave Cecelia the strawberry shortcake jeans, steph the pink shorts, and kris the pink shorts. Like 1 diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum Kaidus 109 Kaidus Posted May 21, 2013 This will most likely be a summer they will never forget. Tom1215 60 Tom1215 diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum Posted May 21, 2013 "Aww look at you four! You look just like you did when you were in daycare!" Their mom replied patting Amy on her diapered bottom. "Ok little girls, we should be going to get some dinner, it's getting late. I think that we will go out for food. As they walked out of the store, and out to the car, all girls were on the verge of breaking down and crying out of embarassment. As they squeezed onto the car, this time steph in the baby seat, Cecelia and Amy couldn't take it anymore and started sobbing. "No no no babies, be quiet for mommy" mom said ripping open the pacifier box and placing one of the babyish things in the crying girl's mouths. diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum It didn't take long to arrive at the restaurant, and then mom led them into the children's play area. "Mommy do we hafta?" Whined Cecelia through her paci. "Yes, you girls go have fun! I will order your food for you. Steph said, " come on Amy, lets go talk in the ball pit." Steph said jumping into the pit like an excited toddler. Amy grudgingly followed her into the pit and started talking. "How are we going to survive this! It's been less than a day and I hate this baby crap!" Amy said wriggling in her diaper. diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum "Amy, it's not all that bad. It sure is embarrassing in public, but if we stick together and just do what mom says then it will be over soon" steph said, even though she liked the diapers she wasn't on board with the whole baby thing. Amy felt a cramp in her stomach knowing that she needed a bathroom fast! "Steph, help me up! I hafta use the bathroom!" "Amy, you know that's not going to happen, right? I mean, no offense, but out in public, especially on a diaper and these clothes, you look like you are actually 3, unlike us, who at best look like 8 year olds." "Do not, do not, do not!!!!" Amy shouted jumping up and down, looking like a little girl throwing a tantrum. Amy her face red from screaming, felt pressure building up in her stomach, and squatted down feeling herself letting go if control. diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum "What's going on out here I thought I heard screaming.... Ohhh I see, are you making a poopie for mommy Amy?" Said mom seeing Amy crouched down and her face red. All Amy could do was fart and grunt and fill her pants while her mom watched. When she was done, she stood up and said "I'm not a fuckin baby!!!" "We don't use that kind of language little girl! And I think that poopy diaper you're wearing answers the question whether you are a baby or not! You can just stay in your stinky diaper until we go home then!" She replied angrily walking away. "Amy, what have you done!?" Steph said as Amy broke down in her arms and cried. Like 1 diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted May 22, 2013 Amy continued sobbing into Stephs arms as Cecelia and kris walked over. "Amy, you are suuuuch a baby. You couldn't even stop yourself from doing that?" Cecelia said pointing at Amy's pants. "Back off! You know that you will have to do that eventually right?" Steph said diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum Like 1 Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted May 22, 2013 Then their mom came back over and Cecelia said, "mommy Amy stinky" pinching her nose as Amy sobbed. diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum "I know Ce Ce, but she was behaving badly, so her punishment is going to be to stay in her stinky pants until we go home" mom said. "Our food is here, so come on girls. Oh and Ce Ce, give your paci to Amy, she needs it more than you right now." Gleefully, Ce Ce pit her paci in Amy mouth. "When you girls are in the baby phase, you don't make any decisions for yourself, you don't ask for the potty and you don't ask for changes just so you know" she said picking up Amy and leading the girls over to their table. The table had four highchairs around it with one regular chair. Mom put Amy into her highchair, Amy feeling the poop mush against her butt, and put the other girls in their own chairs. In the girls bowls there was mushed peas, and on their plates mushed bananas. diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum Just then, the girls noticed their younger cousin Ashley, who is twelve, walk over to their table. "Hi Ashley, I'm glad your mom could drop you off! See, your cousins and their friend haven't been very good girls lately and this is their punishment. Would you be willing to help me out with them over the summer?" Their mom said. Like 1 Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted May 22, 2013 diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum The girls turned bright red as their little cousin said,"sure! This is exactly what those brats need! They have always been sooo immature. It's going to be great seeing them actually behave the ages that act like!" "Hey that's not..." Steph said, being abruptly cut off by her mom glaring at her. "Ok, Ashley how about you feed little Ce Ce and steph." As Ashley used a spoon to scoop up some mashed peas, Cecelia let out a big, wet, smelly fart only causing Ashley to burst out laughing. "Ce Ce, did you poo poo in your pants?" Ashley said as she pulled back Cecelia's diaper to check. diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum "No." Cecelia said as Ashley found her clean. Cecelia bent forward to eat off of the spoon several times until she froze in the bent over position and started pushing warm soft poop into her diaper. As Cecelia continued to eat the peas and bananas she started crying, getting food all over her face. Ashley watched as Ce Ce started grunting and filling her pampers with a grin, continuing to feed her and steph. "Ok girls, I think one of you had an accident, we are going to the bathroom" Ashley said lifting the girls out if their highchairs. Before they left, mom said something to Ashley as she gave her the diaper bag with Ashley nodding quickly and smiling. She led them to the family bathroom and locked the door. Like 1 diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum babybb 31 babybb Posted May 23, 2013 wow now there cousin in involved :) Tom1215 60 Tom1215 diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum Posted May 23, 2013 Thanks! I really appreciate all of the comments! Angela Bauer 251 Angela Bauer Posted May 23, 2013 diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum Indeed, Tom, 'Diapered for Summer' just gets better and better. Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted May 23, 2013 She immediately went straight to take off Ce Ces pants. Ce Ce quickly moved back feeling violated. "Hey little girl! You better come here right now or else there is going to be a punishment!" Ashley said. diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum Ce Ce refused to go any closer to Ashley as she felt the need to use the bathroom again. Ashley grabbed her by the arm and held her as she took off Ce Ces pants and took the diaper off of her. She started wiping off her dirty bottom and then picked her up and started carrying her to the diaper change station Ce Ce facing Amy. Then Ce Ce let loose a huge stream of pee right into Ashley face and sweatshirt. Frantic to turn the girl around Ashley grabbed the larger girl with all pf her strengthhugged her bottom close to her chest, letting the urine Gary all over the floor. But Ce Ce wasn't done yet. She wanted to show this bitch how angry she was at her. Before Ashley knew what was happening, Ce Ce started farting and grunting as she pushed out the rest of her poop into Ashley pink sweatshirt which her butt was currently up against Ashley felt something happening on her and she looked down to see Ce Ce poopong on her. "You little bratt! Look what you did! And on purpose too! " Ashley said crying that her clothes were ruined and that her face and hair were drenched in pee. She broke down completely, bring a girl who had just barely entered puberty, and wept. Shs felt something warm soaking into her sweat pants and looked down to see them growing dark. "No! I didn't wet myself! I'm not a baby!" She wailed like any preteen girl would. diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum "It looks like you have Ashy. And to think! You thought you were going to be babysitting me?" Cecelia laughed as she saw her small cousin crying in wet pants. "Is everything ok in there?" Mom asked from the outside if the locked door. "Open up right now Ashley!" Stumbling to the door Ashley opened it. "What happened in here!? You know what. Never mind. Ashley get up on that changing table. You are now going to be joining your cousins in their punishment. I will just have to get your little sister heather to help me. I was just going to tell you that your eight year old sister can do what you can't" her mom said. "Kris has also been picked up by her mom and is going to continue treatment at her own house" Like 2 babybb 31 babybb diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum Posted May 23, 2013 lol Ce Ce is smart. Kaidus 109 Kaidus Posted May 24, 2013 Did Ashley wet herself or was it completely Cecelia? diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted May 24, 2013 Ashley wet herself too. Sorry, I will be clearer next time. Kaidus 109 Kaidus diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum Posted May 24, 2013 Ashley wet herself too. Sorry, I will be clearer next time. Thanks Tom1215 Tom1215 60 diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum Tom1215 Posted May 25, 2013 "Upsie daisy!" Mom said carrying Ashley over to the changing table. She took off her poop covered shirt and wet pants and exclaimed "don't cry honey. You'll be on your cozy dry diaper soon" as she yanked off Ashley's panties and wiped her. She generously powdered Ashley and put the diaper on her. "You don't have any clean clothes..... You can wear one of the big ones for now, and take off those shoes! They're all wet." Ashley took off her shoes and stood in her pampers glaring at her aunt as she put on a shirt that went way past her waist, giving her the impression of a toddler wearing her mommys clothes. Like 1 diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum Kaidus 109 Kaidus Posted May 25, 2013 It just goes to show that younger relatives get corrupt when their older ones get punished. Tom1215 60 Tom1215 diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum Posted May 26, 2013 "Just so you know Ashley, you can't ask for a change, talk clearly to me or anyone other than your cousins" mom said to Ashley, as she picked up Ce Ce and wiped her down and diapered her. She proceeded to check steph and Amy's diapers and found Amy's poopy of course and Stephs clean. "Steph you are being such a big girl today! I'm promoting you to toddler mode. In toddler mode you can ask for a change, but not ask for potty, and you can't pronounce r or w or l correctly still." Mom said to steph. They walked out to the car and got in, Ashley getting into the carseat. As they were driving, steph looked down and noticed she was peeing herself without her even knowing which was concerning to her. "Mommy I just pee peed in my didee without knowing it" she said nervously squeezing her diaper. "You girls will eventually lose control I'd assume, but that'sok that's why babies wear dipees" she said causing the girls worry. diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum Meanwhile, Amy was struggling to fight messing her diaper. As they pulled into their driveway, Ashley got a distant look in her eyes and filled her diaper, causing her to cry. "I think baby is poopy" steph said pointing to Ashley. "I think she is too." Mom said lifting her up and placing her on her hip, getting poop all over her butt. Like 2 Tom1215 60 Tom1215 diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum Posted May 26, 2013 As Ashley cried and Amy cried because of their poopy diapers, Cecelia and steph were pouting about having to follow their mommy. "Ok all of you take off your pants right now. Babies and toddlers don't care if people see their diapers and it makes it easier to tell when you need changes." The girls slid off their pants and stood in nothing but pampers."ok stinky butts ill change you first." Amy was changed and put into her baby booties, her shirt being confiscated as well. "Only steph can keep her shirt on because she's a big girl" she said doing the same thing to Ashley as Cecelia slid off her shirt. Mom put on Ce Ces booties and checked her diaper finding it dry. "Steph you are wet, but I think you can wait for a change" diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum Following their mom into their shared bedroom, the girls instantly noticed that there was a crib, toddler bed and playpen set up in the middle. She put the girls in the playpen and left the room saying that shed be back to check on them in an hour. Like 1 Prev 2 Next Page 2 of 5 diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum Create an account or sign in to comment You need to be a member in order to leave a comment Create an account Sign up for a new account in our community. It's easy! Sign in Already have an account? Sign in here. Go To Topic Listing Story and Art Forum diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum Theme Contact Us DailyDiapers.com Powered by Invision Community Story and Art Forum [DD] Boards & Chat LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store Diapered For Summer diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum By Tom1215, May 13, 2013 in Story and Art Forum Prev 3 Next Page 3 of 5 Tom1215 60 Tom1215 diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum Posted May 26, 2013 "What the fuck was that at the restaurant for! Me look what to did to me!" Ashley said to Cecelia. "Teaching you a lesson. You'd best shut up, you brat. Get over it, we are in the same boat now. Uh Ashley you ok?" Ce Ce asked as she watched Ashley sucking her thumb. "What are you guys wooking at?" Ashley said oblivious to her thumb in her mouth. "You are sucking your thumb ash" Amy said pulling it out of her mouth to reveal a saliva coated thumb. diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum "How is this happening?" Ashley yelled as she regained awareness. "Oh god, were regressing. Aren't we?" Said stech feeling a lump appearing in her diaper. Then they heard Amy giggling as she stuck her hand in her diaper and rubbed herself as she peed confirming Stephs theory. "Ewwwwwwww!" Amy screamed realizing what she was doing as she took her pee coated hand out of her diaper. "What do we do to stop this" steph said as Cecelia picked her nose and ate whatever was in it. diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum "Stop what?" Ce Ce said coming back as she threw up realizing what she was doing. Just them steph felt a rumble in her stomach signaling that the rest of her poop was coming out. Her regressing mind told her to put her hand down the back of her diaper and her normal mind fought it. But as she started pushing, her regressing mind won and she stuck her hand in her diaper covering it in her poop. Regression won again as she felt her head itching and took her poop covered hand and ran it through her bright blonde hair and stuck both hand diwn her diaper. While that was happening, Ashley had ripped her diaper off completely and was peeing and pooping all over her own body as she put her legs up in the air, Ce Ce was blowing snot bubbles and Amy was trying to chew on her foot as she farted and peed her diaper. That's when their mom came back with Ashley's little eight year oldsister. Like 1 Tom1215 60 Tom1215 diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum Posted May 26, 2013 Wow, that stuff I put in their food really takes effect. It would probably wiek better if I used it on one of them so that the others don't catch on and just think that the affected one likes it.... Mom thought to herself as she took a picture of each girl doing their infantile act. "Auntie, I can't believe my sister and cousins are babies!" Heather said looking forward to helping with them. "They need a good role model like you so that they can become big girls one day. I'll handle this. Go downs stairs and watch t.v." Mom said as heather scampered off. Hmmmmm..... I wonder if mrs. Campbell's bratty daughter zoey would benefiets from this. I'm sure her sweet older sister kacey would like to help myself and heather baby her.... I'll call her and see after I clean this mess up. diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum She went over to Ashley first, since she was pee and pooping everywhere. "Come here you stinky girl" she said lifting the diaper less girl over to the changing station and putting her in a temporary cloth diaper because she knew all of them needed a bath badly. Just then the girls food wore off and the girls sat there stunned as they felt dirty and confused. "Girls! What happened in here?" Said mom knowing very well what happened. "No, I don't want excuses it bath time now!!!" Like 1 diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum BB888 6 BB888 Posted May 26, 2013 Wow this story is awesome!! Where can I get some of that food... I'd LOVE Mommy to feed me that stuff :) diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum Kaidus 109 Kaidus Posted May 26, 2013 This just keeps getting better & better; more please babybb 31 babybb diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum Posted May 27, 2013 agree with rest. Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted May 27, 2013 diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum Thanks guys. I will try my best to keep updates regular. Kaidus 109 Kaidus Posted May 27, 2013 Thanks guys. I will try my best to keep updates regular. diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum Take all the time you need; we'll all check back regularly Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted May 27, 2013 "Nooooooo, me no want bath" Ashley said. diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum "All you girls are very dirty. A bath is no longer optional." Mom said sternly. As mom undressed the girls, in the bathroom, she explained that if anyone splashed they would be spanked after. "Heather, want to help give the babies a bath?" She yelled downstairs. "Yes " heather replied running up the stairs with baby shampoo. As the girls got into the tub they folded their legs and arms to try to give themselves some privacy. "No babies don't care who sees them nakey. Stop covering now!" The girls were vigorously washed by the eight year old and as the girls stepped out of the tub, their mom said, "now heather we have to dry their bum and privates first so me can get a diaper on them so they don't pee pee on the floor" she said as she dried Ce Ce and the other girls. diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum She pulled out some pampers and poured powder all over the girls to make them smell the part then proceeded to put diapers on them. "Ok girls, it's time for a visit to auntie kaceys house!" She said after putting shirts and shorts on the girls. "No I don't want kacey to see me like this!" Ce Ce said. "Oh don't worry, she is going to help me babysit you. Lets go get the stroller!" The gurls stood with their mouths open as they saw the four person stroller outside. diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum "Girls get in." Mom said as Ce Ce and steph jumped for the back seats, leaving Ashley and Amy in front where everyone could see them. As they walked down the street to kaceys house, Ce Ce quietly wept because kacey was one of her best friends. Kacey was waiting outside with her little sister zoey when they got their. Like 1 BB888 6 BB888 diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum Posted May 27, 2013 All four of the babies are clean... FOR NOW... Wonder how long that'll last :b Thanks for the update :) Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2 Kaidus 109 Kaidus Posted May 27, 2013 diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum Lose one, gain another; more please Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted May 27, 2013 "... And you are going to be spending summer just like them" kacey was finishing explaining as the girls, mom, and heather walked up to the front door. Unlike Cecelia's minute figure, kacey was 5"10 and super model gorgeous on Cecelia's eyes. It ripped apart her self esteem sitting in a stroller, in a diaper before one of the most beautiful people she knew. diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum "Don't think I don't see you in there Ce Ce. Here I'll help you out if that stroller." Kacey said lifting Ce Ce out of her stroller and onto her hip. "You smell good baby. Is that the baby shampoo or the powder?" Kacey said as Cecelia turned a bright red. "It's both. She has a fresh diaper on and she just took a bath!" Mom said smiling. Like 1 Tom1215 60 diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum Tom1215 Posted May 27, 2013 Sorry for short update battery is dying! :( Kaidus 109 Kaidus Posted May 27, 2013 diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum Sorry for short update battery is dying! :( No need to worry Tom; I can wait for more. Tom1215 60 Tom1215 diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum Posted May 28, 2013 "Ce Ce, don't be embarrassed! I think that you make a cute baby" kacey said walking over to the house with Cecelia on her hip still. Mom and heather brought the other girls in, while a crying zoey was crying on the couch in a wet pull-up. "Ohh, honey! Are you wet? Maybe you need some diapers" said kacey putting Ce Ce next to zoey. "No you stupid bitch!" Screamed zoey as she buried her head into the couch and cried. "Now there isn't even a doubt in my mind about this" said kacey pulling off zoeys pull-up from behind as she stuck her butt out as her head was in the couch. She grabbed zoeys legs and put them in Ce Ce lap and told her to hold them. Ce Ce did as she was told and looked on in glee as zoey was spanked. Then mom whispered an idea into kaceys head. She stopped spanking and said to zoey, "are you really a big girl?" diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum "Zoey replied " yes, I don't need diapers like those freaks!" Zoey said causing the other girls to get mad. "Ok zoey, you have tonight to prove that you are a big girl. If you aren't its dipee time for you." She said as she gave zoey some panties a shirt and pants. "Ok why don't you choose a baby to go with you and auntie and bake us some cookies" kacey said pulling Ce Ce onto her lap. "Ok, I pick you tiny one" said zoey grabbing Ashley's hand and taking her to the kitchen with mom following giving kacey a glance as she did. Amy and steph were left to watch in amazement as Ce Ce was babied by one of her best friends. diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum "Ok cutie, what do you want to watch" kacey said flipping through tv channels. Ce Ce just sat there and pouted in her lap. "Ohh, I know the issue, you must be thirsty." Kacey said pulling out a baby bottle and turning Ce Ce around so that her head was in kaceys lap. "Kacey, please, no" Ce Ce said pleadingly. "Remember your lisp baby girl. Now come on open your mouth for big sis." Kacey said as Ce Ce reluctantly opened her mouth and started sucking the formula out of the bottle with a disgusted look on her face. diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum When she finished, kacey put a towel on her shoulder and turned Ce Ce so that her head was over her shoulder and patted her back causing her to burp and spit up some of the formula. No I didn't just spit up that didn't happen. Kaceys laugh and steph and Amy's giggles said otherwise. Meanwhile... In the kitchen zoey was commanding Ashley to do every bit of the hard work, and then licking the bowl without asking Ashley if she wanted anything. They returned to the living room and sat down on the couch. diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum As they watched Barney, zoey started farting and giggling every time she did. As kacey watched zoey playing the fart game, she knew it wouldn't be long before... "Poopy in my pants!" Zoey exclaimed pushing out a large load of poop into her pants and then sucking her thumb like nothing happened. Sitting back down ruining her clothes. Like 1 Tom1215 60 Tom1215 diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum Posted May 28, 2013 Zoey then realized what she did and ran crying into the bathroom. "Heather handle her" mom said letting the eight year old grab a diaper and powder and chase the girl into the bathroom. "G-g-g go away" zoey cried as she stood with her legs apart in the center of the room. "I'm nota, nota, no.. Ta, be be !" Zoey cried regressing again. A long hissing noise could be heard and zoey looked down and saw the huge puddle on the floor and lay down in it belly first throwing a tantrum. diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum Like 1 Kaidus 109 Kaidus Posted May 28, 2013 More please! diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum babybb 31 babybb Posted May 28, 2013 im just so enjoying your story. Ashleybabygirl667 29 Ashleybabygirl667 diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum Posted May 28, 2013 Cant wait for more Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted May 28, 2013 Cecelia and kris had done stuff just not mentioned in the story. Ie. curfew, drinking etc. diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum BB888 6 BB888 Posted May 28, 2013 Cecelia and kris had done stuff just not mentioned in the story. Ie. curfew, drinking etc. That is info I REALLY woulda liked to know hahaha I've been thinking the the mom was being a bit harsh for Kris having a bedwetting problem lol Still an awesome story though :P Sent from my Sprint Galaxy Note II using Tapatalk 2 diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted May 28, 2013 "Wow, you are suuuuch a baby." Heather said loving the power as she dragged zoey over to the corner of the large bathroom. Zoey back in her regressed state yelled " ewww.... Change me, change me!" As she lay on the floor crying. diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum "Ok you big baby, glad you came around." Heather said taking off zoeys pants and panties as well as her pee soaked shirt and cleaning her up. She slid the pamper under neath her and taped it up, making sure to put plenty of powder on zoey first. She took the regressed zoey, toddling along after her not being able to walk well, and brought her back to the couch. "Ok girls, you maybe are wondering what just happened to little missy pouty here. We regressed her to the mental state of a two year old for the next 10 minutes. This is going to be the punishment for any poor behavior, and depending on the situation, regression could be farther or higher than this." There is also a chance that one of the babyish traits developed in this treatment will become permanent or temporarily permanent so behave." Mom said. "It's getting kinda hit in here. How about we take off you guys clothes and let you be cool" kacey said giving Ce Ce a quick diaper check as she took off her shorts and shirt leaving her sitting almost naked in her friends lap, her tiny boobs on full display to everyone. The other girls took off their clothes reluctantly as zoey, now in a wet diaper, regained her normal mind. "What happened! Why am in in a diaper???????" Zoey yelled feeling how wet she was. diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum "You pooped your pants and peed them in the bathroom. You are obviously a baby too." Kacey said. Zoey just sat down and cried. "How about we play twister?" Said mom laughing at the idea of the diapered girls playing. "Yeah twister!" Heather shouted excitedly since she was eight. "Ok, I'll get it" kacey said bringing back the mat and spinner. diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum "Ok, but first each of you girls must drink two bottles of water to stay hydrated." Mom said. The girls chugged down their water to get the game over with as quick as possible, not thinking about the problems with bellies full of dinner and bladders full of water could pose. "Ok, 4 people can play at one time. How about kacey, Ce Ce, steph and Amy go first." Mom said as the girls got into position. "Left hand yellow" Kacey easily did that, but the other girls were starting to feel their aching stomachs and bladders and reluctantly obeyed. diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum "Right foot yellow." The girls all placed their foot on a yellow spot. Then, a gasp was heard as Amy's bladder won and she peed herself heavily while panting softly, still keeping her balance though. "Right hand green" Steph got into the perfect position to poop, with her butt right beneath her hands, and started pooping. diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum "Looks like someone's taking a potty break!" Heather laughed as steph let her poop come out as she was moving position again. "Right foot red" This time Ce Ce felt herself needing to do both number one and number 2 frantically, but beat kacey to the red dot causing kacey to lose along with the other girls who fake fell to end the game. "Good job Ce Ce! You win!" Said kacey lifting Ce Ce over to the couch and placing her in her lap again facing towards her. Ce ce felt herself on the verge of being a poopy little girl as she let her bladder loose to compensate. The strong current of pee lasted for a good thirty seconds, with kacey just smiling at her knowing what she was doing by the warmth in her lap... Wait her lap! Kacey thought realizing that Ce Ce had overflowed her diaper and a wet spot appeared on her shorts, not big but still there. diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum "Ce Ce look what you did!" Said kacey causing Ce Ce to completely break down. "Honey, I'm sorry for yelling. It's ok, her let big sis hug you," kacey said allowing Ce Ce to stay even if her diaper had leaked. That's when Ce Ce farted a couple of times as kacey hugged her closer. "Are you making a stinky for me too?" Kacey asked watching Ce Ce turn red as she pooped herself so much that the diaper sagged in the back. "Did baby get all her poo poos into her diapee? It sure smells like she did!" Kacey said feeling the back of her friends diaper as she took Ce Ce to her room to change. She lay Ce Ce down on her bathroom and pushed the poop all over her butt in the diaper. "Why, kacey? Why are you doing this?" Ce Ce said sadly. diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum "You were always the cooler one of us! You got all the guys and had the best time at parties, and I just can't stand it anymore. You are now going to be my little babygirl wherever and whenever I want you to be." Kacey said as she took out a camera and told her to suck her thumb. Having no other choice the frightened girl stuck her thumb on her mouth and turned around. "No I want your face on this too!" Kacey said as she turned her head and partially her body around. "Perfect! Now everyone can see you wet and shitty diaper baby!" Kacey said snapping a picture. "Now sit down and start ribbing your butt back and forth on the floor smiling without that tumb on you mouth! " she said taking out a video camera. diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum Ce Ce complied rocking back in forth in her poopy pamper smiling, as urine pooled around her. "Good. This is going to be called Miss Perfects Secret Desire Of Being A Baby And Being Cared For So That She Can Sit Around And Shit And Piss Herself Aaaaaalllllll Day!" Said kacey completing Ce Ces humiliation for the day. Like 1 Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted May 28, 2013 diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum I could do a short update on that if you guys would like. :) Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted May 28, 2013 (The story of Kris and Cecelia) diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum babybb 31 babybb Posted May 28, 2013 wow Kacey is so mean, i hope she ends in diapers also. Like 1 Kaidus 109 diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum Kaidus Posted May 29, 2013 wow Kacey is so mean, i hope she ends in diapers also. Prev 3 diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum Next Page 3 of 5 Create an account or sign in to comment You need to be a member in order to leave a comment Create an account Sign up for a new account in our community. It's easy! Sign in diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum Already have an account? Sign in here. Go To Topic Listing Story and Art Forum Theme Contact Us DailyDiapers.com Powered by Invision Community Story and Art Forum diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum [DD] Boards & Chat LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store Diapered For Summer By Tom1215, May 13, 2013 in Story and Art Forum Prev 4 Next diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum Page 4 of 5 Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted May 29, 2013 "Ok, lie down. Time for a change!" Kacey said as Ce Ce forced to smile while her tears were falling down her cheeks started sobbing uncontrollably as kacey shut off the camera. Kacey changed the crying girls diaper and powdered every inch of her body. diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum "I bought these especially for you!" Kacey said as Ce Ce stood up and kacey showed her the fuzzy pink onesie that said cutest baby on it and pink booties. Like 1 Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted May 30, 2013 diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum Kacey dressed Ce Ce up in the outfit and snapped another picture of her before lifting her up and carrying her to her bedroom where Amy and steph had just been changed. "Ok babies, I think that you all deserve a treat for behaving do well. Lets go out for ice cream at Aliya." Mom said much to heathers joy. The girls were all dressed in onesies and booties as they were taken to the minivan, kaceys moms car, and strapped into child seats. "Mommy it too hot fowr these" Amy said indicating the fuzzy footsie pajama styled onesies that covered everything but their hands and face. Like 1 Kaidus 109 Kaidus diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum Posted May 30, 2013 More please; would like to have Cecelia's troubles to make this happen. Edited May 30, 2013 by Kaidus babybb 31 babybb Posted May 30, 2013 diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum wow going out in public in that sleeper. Kaidus 109 Kaidus Posted May 30, 2013 wow going out in public in that sleeper. diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted June 1, 2013 "Ok baby, I brought a t shirt for you then." Mom said unzipping Amy's onesie. "Wait, no mommy! I can't go in justa diapee and shirwt." diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum "I don't want to hear it, you said you were hot" mom said putting Amy's shirt that said baby over her head. They drove to the ice cream store and saw... Like 1 babybb 31 babybb Posted June 2, 2013 diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum saw what? lol what a tease Kaidus 109 Kaidus Posted June 2, 2013 diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum saw what? lol what a tease Most likely all of their respective groups; more please Tom Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted June 2, 2013 "Is that you Amy?" A bunch of Amy's "friends" were there getting some ice cream. diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum "Hi girls, do you go to school with Amy?" Kacey said. "Yeah we do, but I didn't know she wore diapers!" Her friends Cassie, Kat, and Stacy shouted laughing hysterically. "Girls, I have a ton of other babies to take care of tonight.... Should I ask her mommy if she could have a sleepover with you girls? Would that be ok?" Amy frantically nodding her head no, as kacey got permission from her mom for her to go to the other girls sleepover. "Ok, but you girls have to treat her like you would a baby, as in no potty, be willing to change her, pacifiers, and bottles. But she can still eat big girl food and watch big girl shows this time." Her mom said as all of the girls nodded their head in agreement as they took her supply bag. "Ok, we will take good care of her" Kat said buying a medium sized ice cream for her. She lived right next door, and her parents were gone for the next day, so she and the test of the girls walked in. diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum "Ok Amy, come here" Kat said dragging Amy after her to the living room and sitting on a couch. "Ok, come here into my lap now," she said with the ice cream in hand. Amy did as she was told and heard Kat say,"now I'm going to feed you the ice cream" Kat got a large spoonful of ice cream onto the spoon and with the other girls watching spoonfed her the entire cup. "Can I please wear pants guys?" Amy said. "what do you think girls? Lets take a vote." Cassie(the meanest one) voted for no, Stacy(the nicest one) voted yes. "It all comes down to you Kat" Cassie said. diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum "I....I.... Vote... Yes." She said springing up and grabbing a pair if sweat pants from her drawer. "Here ya go" Kat handed them to Amy and she pulled them up, but the diaper still stuck out of the top. "Thanks" she said quietly. "So, what's the deal with the diapers?" Stacy said hugging Amy as she started crying. "Well apparently it is a punishment for being bad" diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum She said. "That freaking crazy! Why diapers for that!" Kat said genuinely angry at Amy's mom. "Yeah, now I've got to stay in them and use them for as long as summer." Amy said. "Well.... I mean.... I guess I could wear one with you then..." Stacy said feeling bad for laughing. "Yeah, I wet the bed at night, so I know what you feel like" Kat said. diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum Like 1 Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted June 2, 2013 Cassie just stood there watching as Stacy took off her pants and panties and laid down on the ground. diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum "Ready for my diapee Amy" she said trying to make her friend feel better as Amy powdered and diapered her friend. "Wait where'd Kat go?" Amy said as she embraced Stacy. "You mean me?" Kat said coming down the stairs in her goodnight pull-up. As the three laughed and giggled, Cassie took out her phone and snapped a picture of the girls in diapers. When the girls heard the click of the camera, they turned around to see Cassie grinning manically and the phone snap a picture of their entire bodies this time. diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum "What are you doing Cassie?" Kat yelled. "Stop!" Stacy said trying to pull up her pants. "You stop pulling those pants up right now! And you take them off Amy!" Cassie shouted. "I'm in charge here now, and of any of you resist me too much, then I'm going to send this to everyone! Now sit on the couch!" The girls say on the couch with a lot of crinkles. diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum "You two in diapers, are going to act like babies for the night. Now you, Kat, will act like a preschooler in your pullups. But I do have to powder you now since I know you didn't." She grabbed the powder and pulled back the back and dumped a lot in and repeated with the front. "Where is your little sisters training potty? We need it for you do go get it." Kat ran up the stairs and brought back a pink princess potty. "Good, now go sit with your friends" diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum "Suck on these too" she said clipping a pacifier to Kay's shirt and giving regular ones to Amy and Stacy. "Only Kat can ask for the potty.... Not you two." Cassie said. Like 1 babybb 31 babybb diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum Posted June 2, 2013 And the plot thickens. great chapter ;) Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted June 2, 2013 diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum "Here, you need something to do. You can watch a Barbie movie" Cassie said putting in one. The girls watched the movie in absolute boredom until Stacy felt her bladder calling. Amy sensed what Stacy needed to do, and mouthed just go don't ask Cassie to her. Steph understood and swallowed her pride as she felt her diaper grow warm and squishy. Like 1 Kaidus 109 Kaidus diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum Posted June 2, 2013 Maybe now Amy learned that it's not funny to tease others who wet the bed at night; I always knew it isn't. Diaperderpy 5 Diaperderpy Posted June 2, 2013 diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum I hope that traitor cassie gets hers too Kaidus 109 Kaidus Posted June 3, 2013 I hope that traitor cassie gets hers too diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum There's only one way to find out: come back and check for an update. Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted June 3, 2013 "Ok kit-Kat, come help me make some dinner," Cassie said pushing the poor girl into the kitchen. diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum Kat squirmed and grimaced as she realized she needed to pee. "I have to potty," she said very softly twisting her legs to stop herself from peeing. "Wait one minute baby, mommies going to start some Mac and cheese." Cassie replied as Kat held herself. Shit, Kat thought as yellow spread slightly over the front of her pull-up. "Please.... Let me go" she whimpers. diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum "Ok honey lets get you going then" she said pulling her quickly after her causing Kat to feel her butt get wet as she peed some more. "Ok little girl, before you completely pee pee on yourself, here is the potty." Amy and Stacy watch as their friend is brought over to the toddler potty and is told to sit down on it. "What! No! I meant real toilet!" Kat screamed as her pull-up was yanked down exposing her bare butt to her friends. Kat yelled more as she peed a little into her down pull-up. Cassie pushed her onto the potty, and listened as the long stream of pee hit the plastic bowl. "What a big girl! You only managed to half soak your pull-up before going to the potty!" diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum "Ok you pull that little pull-up back up and go get your friends and we will eat now." Cassie said turning back into the kitchen. "What a bitch," Stacy whispered to the teary eyed Kat. Like 1 Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted June 3, 2013 diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum When the girls walked into the kitchen, they saw three plates of macaroni waiting. "Eat up diaper butts" Cassie taunted. The girls ate their food for what seemed like hours, but was only 20 minutes when they finished. "Bedtime girls! Follow me to the nursery!" Cassie shouted as they went upstairs after her. "Ohhhhhh I feel funn" Amy said as Cassie put them all into one crib. diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum "Just go to bed" Cassie said as she walked out of the room, leaving them illuminated in their nightlight. As Kat lay there she heard a fart and sure did smell it. "Grows, which one of you did that?" kat said opening her eyes to see Stacy laying on her stomach sucking her thumb, and Amy standing farting with her face going red. Finally she pushed out a big poopy and sat down giggling. "Ewwww, Amy" Kats mind all of a sudden went into a toddlers mind set. "You have tinky butt!" Kat said as she felt herself let out a wet fart and said" so do I now" feeling the small mushy poop rubbing on her but. " but ima big girwl!" Kat cried laying down and hitting the mattress until she fell asleep. Like 1 Tom1215 60 diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum Tom1215 Posted June 3, 2013 Amy woke up seeing the mess all around her, knowing exactly what had happened. Cassie found the regress stuff and had put it on the dinner. "That fucking bitch drugged us!" Said Amy as she felt the back of her diaper was full and she was wet. Stacy had leaked all over the crib and was pee soaked. From the neck down. She knew that what Amy had said was true. What concerned Amy, was that Kat was crying on the crib mattress. "Ummm, Kat? You ok girl?" Amy said. diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum "I want my mommy!" Kat cried. Amy, seeing that Kats pull-up had leaked while she slept, pulling her into her lap to comfort her. Cassie came in and Amy yelled, " what the fuck did you do to her!!!!!" "What? I didn't do anything you baby!" Cassie yelled. "Yes you did. You put something in the dinner and it messed her head up!" Amy yelled hugging her now immature friend. "No, no I didn't know it was permanent!" Cassie yelled. diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum "Well you know now that you caused this!" Stacy yelled. "Ok ill change you guys then." Amy and Stacy were changed and then Kat. "Here's some panties and pants you two. Kat I couldn't find any pants so here you go." Cassie said giving her a Dora the explorer pair of panties. "We don't know if she still has potty training down, and I don't think that you should be around her after what you did. So go home, we will figure this out alone. She obviously isn't your friend." Amy said helping Kat with her panties. diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum Like 1 Kaidus 109 Kaidus Posted June 3, 2013 Cassie is definitely a cheater; more please. babybb 31 diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum babybb Posted June 4, 2013 wow i hate Cassie more and more each chapter. Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted June 4, 2013 diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum Cassie ran out of the house in fit of rage. Kat was sucking on her thumb when she said, " I want my fuzzy sowks" "Stacy what does sowks mean?" "She means socks and here they are" Stacy said pulling the socks onto her feet. Stacy and Amy contemplated what to do as Kat sang about her socks while spinning in circles. diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum Kat stopped dancing and singing as she hears her name being said. "What mommy?" She said. "Sweetie..... You are having an accident." Stacy said, hearing the dripping of pee on wooden floor and watching her panties grow dark. Like 1 Kaidus 109 diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum Kaidus Posted June 5, 2013 Oh dear; more please Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted June 6, 2013 diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum Kat was screaming and crying at the top of her lungs, as Stacy's motherly instincts kicked in, and she picked up Kat, regardless of her wet panties. "No, don't cry Kat, it's ok. We just have to get you changed. We don't have any underwear though, so you have to wear a pull up ok?" "No, no, no!!!! I'm a big girwl! I don't wearwe dipees!!!" "Yes you are a big girl, but you've been having accidents, and we don't have any more undies." "No!" Kat pouted as Stacy undressed her. diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum Kat ran out of the room as Stacy grabbed a pull-up from the bag. Stacy ran out after her, to find the girl hitting her fists on the ground in the living room. "Sit up Kat! Stop being naughty!" Stacy said as Kat sat criss cross on the white carpet with her arms crossed over her chest. Stacy grabbed her wrist and pulled her up, revealing a new yellow pee stain on the carpet. "See Kat! Now look what you did!" Stacy said pulling the pink princess pull-up up her legs. diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum She flopped diwn on the couch and cried and screamed for an hour. Stacy took Amy aside to talk to her. "Can you wear a pull-up to make her stop crying?" "Stacy, come on...." "No, I can't be her mom for nie if I don't have any support. You don't have to use it." "Ok, fine, but that's it" Amy said grabbing one and putting it on. diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum She showed it to Kat, who calmed down a bit. Like 1 babybb 31 babybb Posted June 6, 2013 diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum thanks for update, love the story :) Kaidus 109 Kaidus Posted June 6, 2013 Cassie better get diapered next; more please Prev diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum 4 Next Page 4 of 5 Create an account or sign in to comment You need to be a member in order to leave a comment Create an account Sign up for a new account in our community. It's easy! diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum Sign in Already have an account? Sign in here. Go To Topic Listing Story and Art Forum Theme Contact Us DailyDiapers.com Powered by Invision Community diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum Story and Art Forum [DD] Boards & Chat LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store Diapered For Summer By Tom1215, May 13, 2013 in Story and Art Forum Prev 5 diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum Next Page 5 of 5 Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted June 7, 2013 "Mommy! I'm hungwy!" Kat whined. diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum "Ok Kat, we will order pizza, especially for my little girl! What do you want on it?" "Jus cheese! Wots of cheese!" Kat shouted. Amy called the pizza for Stacy, asking for extra cheese on the pizza. Stacy found a coloring book and some jumbo crayons and handed them to Kat. "Tanks mommy!" Kat said opening the book and starting to color for 20 mins. diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum "Pizzas here!" Amy called walking over to the door and opening it. Kat jumped out of her seat and ran to the door to come face to face with one of her crushes at schools 16 year old brother. "Kat!!!!! Is that you!!" The boy named Zachary exclaimed. "Wewl, dat is my name but I don't know you" Kat said looking at the boy as he watched her pee her pull-up as she was pointing at him. All of a sudden, Kat felt something that made her scream "what!" And run crying into the living room. diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum "Um, thanks...." Amy mumbled paying for the food and walking back into the living room to see Kat laying on the couch in her wet pull-up sobbing into Stacy's lap. "A-a-a-nd he s-s- aw me peeing my pull-up." Kat cried no longer regressed. Then something snapped back into her mind and she screamed "me want my pizza!" "Ok Kat, here you go said Amy putting it down in front of her regressed once again friend. Kat hungrily devoured half of the large pizza and let out a cute burp after wiping her mouth and hands in her shirt. diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum "I(hiccup) don't (hiccup) feel so good. My tummy (hiccup) hurwts." Age said sitting down and holding her stomach. Then, she let out a big fart, followed by three small wet ones. She layed on her stomach to ease the pain, and lat. out a huge stinky fart while crying. She felt something mushy enter her pull-up continuously, and then cried," mommy I made poo poo in my panties! Pwease don't punish me!" "Wait, isn't she lactose intolerant!" Amy said as Stacy picked up the crying girl and took her to the bathroom. "Now honey, I want you to poop and fart as much of this out as you can, ok?" diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum Like 1 Diaperderpy 5 Diaperderpy Posted June 7, 2013 Wow cassie messed the poor girl up big time babybb 31 diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum babybb Posted June 7, 2013 ya she did Diaperderpy. Kaidus 109 Kaidus Posted June 8, 2013 diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum Cassie should be punished big time; more please Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted June 9, 2013 Kat proceeded to go a bit more in her pull-up. diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum "Me done mommy" Kat said. Stacy proceeded to change Kat into another pull-up when she got a call from Amy's mom asking if she could bring over Ce Ce and kacey, because she wasn't sure if Amy was actually being babied. "Um... Ok" said Stacy grabbing a diaper and going downstairs. "Amy lie down, I need to get you on a diaper! Your mom is dropping off Cecelia and kacey" "No!!!!! I hate this!" She said dropping her pants and lying on the ground in her pull up. diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum Stacy slid the pull-up off and placed it on the couch, as she powdered and diapers Amy. "Now go, get in the crib abd get Kat into it too now!" Amy ran upstairs and grabbed Kats hand and jumped into the crib and raised the bars. Stacy heard the doorbell ring and opened it to see kacey dragging a very sad Cecelia through the door and into the living room. "Where did that friend Cassie of yours go?" Kacey said as Stacy explained that Kat and Amy were upstairs. diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum "Oh she had to go home." Stacy said, with a very bad attempt at lying. "I think that I'm going to call her and see what her story is" said kacey dialing Cassie's number as Ce Ce looked at her diaper in shame. Cassie told kacey that Kat and Stacy refused to baby Amy, and she ended up regressing Kat. "That's ok, just being over a bunch of babyish panties, and we will get your revenge." Kacey whispered into the phone. (20 minutes later) Cassie walked into the house wuth a big black garbage bag full of the babyish panties. diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum "Cassie quick! I have Stacy pinned! Get the eye dropper full of that regression stuff!" "No please, don't, I don't wanna be a baby!" Stacy screamed. "Shut up, you aren't going to be regressed that far! You will just be slightly older than Kat. A preschooler who still has accidents sometimes!" Cassie said returning with the stuff. As the mixture was dropped generously down Stacy screaming mouth, and doing her hair up in pigtails. diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum A giggling preschooler,(mentally) replaced the screaming girl. "Ok sweetie, I'm your mommy and that makes you my little girl!" Cassie said as Stacy stood up. "Let's go get the other two before we start our fun" kacey said going upstairs and practically dragging Kat and Amy downstairs. Like 1 Kaidus 109 Kaidus diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum Posted June 9, 2013 That can only mean more bad news; more please Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted June 9, 2013 diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum "Ok girls! First off. Sit down on the couch" Cassie demanded. Kat and Stacy looked extremely babyish as Stacy fidgeted like she needed to use the bathroom, and Kat sucked her thumb. "Ok girls, you two still need to be regressed right?" Ce Ce and Amy didn't move or say anything. "Ok get the dropper!" Cassie said to kacey. diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum Kacey said, " I think I want Ce Ce to be my little infant, and Amy to be a diaper dependent 3 year old." Ce Ce cried as she was regressed to the simplest if mind sets and Amy pouted as she was regressed to the age where kids pout all of the time. "Aren't they cute" Cassie mocked as she saw Stacy hug Kat. Kaidus 109 Kaidus Posted June 9, 2013 Is it me, or is the true mother a complete bitch? diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum Diaperderpy 5 Diaperderpy Posted June 10, 2013 Kacy and cassie strike again! babybb 31 babybb diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum Posted June 10, 2013 wow that mom is so cruel. Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted June 16, 2013 diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum "I think I'm going to take my girls to my house. I need to get them ready for bed soon." Cassie said seeing Kat close her eyes and Stacy yawn. "Ok, take a stroller" kacey said putting pants on Stacy. And handing Cassie the bag of underwear. "Thanks" Cassie said as she put Kat in a pink stroller in just her pull-up and a tee shirt. Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted June 17, 2013 diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum Cassie picked up Stacy in one arm and pushed Kat in the stroller with the other and left to go to her house (parents gone too). As they walked, Stacy felt the urge to potty, but didn't feel like leaving her mommys arms so she quietly let the poop go into her pants and closed her eyes. "Honey, did you have an accident?" Cassie asked Stacy. "Yeth mommy. I couldn't hold it." Stacy said sucking her thumb. "If you keep having poopy accidents, I might have to diaper you. You wouldn't want that, right?" diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum "Nooooooo, I don't need diapies! I'm nota baby" Stacy said. "Prove it by not having another accident" Cassie said reaching the front door and going inside. "Ok stinky pants, lets get you all nice and clean" she said laying down Stacy in the kitchen floor. She got all of Stacy clean and then asked her a question: "ok do you think pullups or big girl undies for bed?" "Ima big girwl!" Stacy said. diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum "Ok, but of you wet the bed, it's going to beca diaper for you tomorrow." Cassie warned as she pulled up the Cinderella panties. She proceeded to put Kat in her nighttime diaper and set her down in her own bed. Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted June 17, 2013 diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum "Stace! Come here and sleep with you little sister" Cassie said "Ok" she said. "Goodnight" Cassie said as she left her room and crashed on the couch. The next morning, Stacy woke up bursting to pee, but she was still sleepy. Stacy decided to just pee herself. She fell back asleep as warmth pooled around her. diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum babybb 31 babybb Posted June 17, 2013 great to see you continuing this story. Tom1215 60 Tom1215 diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum Posted June 17, 2013 Kat then woke up, but the regression had worn off. Where am I she thought. She saw Stacy lying next to her and quickly woke her up. "What sissy?" Stacy asked rubbing her eyes. Oh good I'm just sleeping over at Stacy's place. diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum "Did you poop your diapie? Is that it?" Stacy said looking at Kat. "What are you talking about? I don't wear diapers and certainly don't poop them" Kat said. "Sis, yes you do, you're only 4 and still potty training" Stacy said. "Wha?" Kat ripped off the sheets to see herself wearing a soaking wet diaper and Stacy in wet babyish panties. Oh shit! I remember now! Cassie... diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum "How'd my babies sleep last night?" Cassie said entering the room. "Ohhh, I see what happened. Care to explain miss big girl?" "Mommy, I didn't wet the bed! I just didn't want to get up to potty, so I just went" "We'll, now you don't have to worry about getting up to potty. It's diaper time for you!" babybb 31 babybb diaper stories forum How to use it? diaper stories forum Posted June 17, 2013 loi think she might be stuck :) Kaidus 109 Kaidus Posted June 17, 2013 diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum This is really getting good; I just hope Cassie and Kacey get their just desserts. Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted June 17, 2013 "Nooooo! I'm not going to!" Stacy shouted. "Yes you are baby" cooed Cassie as she took out a pampers diaper and layed the screaming girl down and diapered her. diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum "I see you had a wet night too, huh" Cassie said taking off Kats diaper and giving her a pull up. I should just play this, so she doesn't regress me again. She pulled up her training pants and said, "ima big girwl who doesn't need diapies!" "Kat honey, in relying on you to set a good example in using the potty for Stacy here" Cassie said. diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum Just then, Kat farted. "Uh oh, I gotsa go potty!" "Ok, just hold it for a second" Cassie said taking out her sisters old training potty. Kaidus 109 Kaidus Posted June 18, 2013 diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum Something tells me that Kat might have an accident; more please Tom1215 60 Tom1215 Posted June 18, 2013 Kat, thinking just how potty trained a 4 year old might be, let her barely full bladder go creating a small wet patch on the front. Then, as Cassie set down the potty, she pooped herself just a little bit, to create the full effect. Pretending not to notice, she pulled down her trainers and sat on the potty. She then farted and pushed out the rest if her poop. diaper stories forum How to get it for free? diaper stories forum "See me a big girwl!" Kat said proudly. "No she pooped herself and pee peed too! Said Stacy waddling over. "At least I'm not the baby in herw didees who doesn't even know what a potty is!" Kat said tugging on Stacy's diaper. Stacy started crying in return. "You two stop! Kat pull up those trainers! You now have to wear them all day!" Cassie said. Kaidus 109 diaper stories forum How to get it? diaper stories forum Kaidus Posted June 19, 2013 I stand slightly corrected; MORE PLEASE! Prev 5 Next Page 5 of 5 diaper stories forum PasteShr diaper stories forum Create an account or sign in to comment You need to be a member in order to leave a comment Create an account Sign up for a new account in our community. It's easy! Sign in Already have an account? Sign in here. diaper stories forum How to dowload it? diaper stories forum Go To Topic Listing Story and Art Forum Theme Contact Us DailyDiapers.com Powered by Invision Community diaper stories forum