diaper cyoa Diaper CYOA You're sitting in your room one night, coming off the high of masturbation, when a fairy sees your plight and decides to help. Upon appearing to you, she explains her offer, and produces a magic piece of parchment and a quill pen. The requirements? Just fill out the paper, put it under your pillow and go to sleep, and everything will change when you wake up tomorrow morning. What do you choose? Section 1: World Choose one and only one option, elaborating on the scenarios in non-gamebreaking ways is encouraged. diaper cyoa How to get it? diaper cyoa The regular world: Sure, it's boring, but why not choose the devil you know? If you choose this option, you'll wake up tomorrow in the same-old, same-old world. Doing so you'd probably be a nice guy as you wouldn't be imposing your sick fetishes on anyone else, which is probably nice. Age regression world: For some reason or another, humans have developed age regression, this of course means that one can revert themselves or another person to a earlier state in life. There are a multitude of reasons for doing this, of course, for example, pleasure, avoiding a debilitating illness later in life, or simply if someone wants a second chance. If you pick this option, changing your age is not permanent and immortality or life extending perks are redundant. Mental regression world: Well you can't be age regressed in this world at least, but somehow people can induce a form of mental retardation, reverting one's mind back to a childlike mental state, or revert someone's mind back to infancy. This can be reversible or irreversible to your tastes, or people could even be able diaper cyoa PasteShr diaper cyoa to mature in their mental state like their bodies mature, a sort of "mind age" if you will. Conveniently, this world's people don't really frown upon seeing an adult diapered and babied up in public, but they'd probably raise some eyebrows if that person wasn't with someone who was mature looking, and if you tried this charade and you tried to maintain the facade in private with a person, they would probably notice that it's an act. This would carry the same stigma as being an ABDL does today. So in this world you can live a lie, but you could also go native if you so desired. Normalized world: Whether everyone wears diapers, some people wear diapers or barely anyone wears diapers is up to you, but in this world people don't really have a negative stigma towards people that just choose to wear diapers. Acting like a baby when you're an adult is still stigmatized, but otherwise public places are accommodating, diapers themselves are cheap, and while some might think it kind of a turn off, people generally won't give you shit if you choose to wear diapers here. Having a diaper fetish isn't all that weird either, as people equate it to having a panty fetish or a stocking fetish. A little kinky, but nothing serious at all. The amount of people who think diapers are a turn on is greatly increased to make it more common, but the number of people who are AB will remain about diaper cyoa How to dowload it? diaper cyoa the same. Toddler world: In this world, everyone's maturity levels and continence levels are taken down a notch, a big notch. While the nuts and bolts of the world function as normal, as in the power still is on and the trains run on time, everyone is inherently much more immature. "Potties", or toilets as they are more maturely called in this world, are used by somewhere between only one-fifth and one-tenth of the population, and the rest are wearing various forms of training pants and diapers. Clothes as well are more babyish and people in general speak, write and go about their days as overgrown toddlers would. Wearing anything but childish clothes is considered strange, and you'd probably have to spend a week in the mall to find any outfit that pushes past the preteen level of style. Diaper fetishes are considered funny or silly at the worst, and open acts of sex and masturbation aren't really all that stigmatized as overgrown toddlers will, again, find it funny at the worst. Due to the childishness of the people living in this world as well, war is pretty much abolished and the worst crimes you'll see are for things like theft. Think "Demolition Man" level of non-violent world. diaper cyoa PasteShr diaper cyoa Infant world: In this world, all but the most elite of global elites are kept in diapers and babied by gigantic nanny-bots. People essentially are treated like infants from square one in life, starting out with a life-sized robot and a life-sized dwelling as a child and eventually graduating up to "adult" housing with a giantess nanny-bot and a giant apartment. The nannies have complete control over their charges, and play matchmaker more often than not, joining up with another nanny, undressing their charges, plopping them down in a playpen together and looking the other way. There's obviously no stigma against wearing babyish clothing and a diaper here, but if you're caught without a nanny, you'll be assigned one and housing. X-archy: Whichever gender you choose are now the rulers and guardians of the opposite sex. This means that the opposite sex are treated like babies and toddlers for their entire lives. Guardianship of these people transfers from their parents to their spouse, and their entire lives they're meant to stay at home and look pretty, only going out under the watchful eye of their guardian or a trusted friend or relative. Being banned from schools, the submissive sex is ditzy, immature diaper cyoa How to get it? diaper cyoa and deferential while the dominant sex is well... dominant. -Your sex is dominant (X points) -Your sex is subservient (X points) (Note: you cannot take littles as companions that are of the dominant sex when you choose this scenario.) Size world: This world is populated by two different species of human, normal people, who of course, are still of normal size, and amazons, tall, muscular beings. While the two different types of people generally live in harmony, amazons typically view normal everyday humans as being kind of helpless and have a parental view of them. While this isn't a problem in homogeneous parts of the world, in big cosmopolitan cities this can lead to some chafing. It doesn't help that most of the big cities are literally big for normal people, as almost everything is built for amazon use. To add insult to injury, police forces are also amazonian, diaper cyoa PasteShr diaper cyoa as normal police wouldn't be able to arrest amazonian criminals. While this scenario doesn't always necessarily end in diapers, you're more than likely to be picked up in public if you look like you need some help. Good luck finding a job in the city too, as you really can't reach anything. Public transport will be a hassle too, driving will be unthinkable and finding housing in "your size" will probably be near impossible, not even considering the extra costs. Coincidentally, Amazons in late toddlerhood are about the same size as a normal adult... -You are an amazon (X points) -You stay the same (x points) diaper cyoa How to get it for free? diaper cyoa Section 2: You! Now we're on the you section, where you can change pretty much every aspect of your body. Section A: appearance. Height: Dwarf Short diaper cyoa How to use it? diaper cyoa Average Tall Giant Age: Infant/Toddler (Must take at least one caretaker) Young Child (Must take at least one caretaker) Tween (Must take at least one caretaker) Teenager (Must take at least one caretaker) Young Adult diaper cyoa How to dowload it? diaper cyoa Adult Change your sex Body: Skinny Average Plump Athletic diaper cyoa How to get it? diaper cyoa Face: Girly Genderless Boyish Chest: Flat Small Average Buxom diaper cyoa How to use it? diaper cyoa Bottom: Flat Tight Average Peach Badonkadonk Section B: Traits In this section feel free to define your character, specifically traits that could be useful (or detrimental!) in a world of diapers and babyings. diaper cyoa PasteShr diaper cyoa Rate your continence: 0 being totally pottytrained, 5 being completely and uncontrollably incontinent. (+X points for each number higher than 0)(age:baby/toddler cannot go lower than 3 on this trait, age:young child cannot go lower than 2) -Bedwetting starts happening rarely automatically at a continence rating of 2, getting more common at night at higher ratings, but those who are lower in the rating can take the trait for (+X points) -Messy accidents start happening automatically at a continence rating of 3, but those who are lower in the ratings (except those with a rating of zero) can take the trait for (+X points) diaper cyoa How to get it for free? diaper cyoa Rate your maturity: 0 being completely adult acting, 5 being beyond childish and in the realm of infancy. (+X points for each number higher than 0)(age:baby/toddler cannot go lower than 3 on this trait, all other ages that require a caretaker cannot go lower than 2) Rate your intelligence: 0 being how intelligent you are now, 5 being a completely ignorant of pretty much ever, -X points if you want to upgrade your 0 score to become a genius. Rate your charisma: 0 being silver-tounged and glib, 5 being awkward and unconvincing (+X points for each number higher than 0) diaper cyoa How to get it? diaper cyoa (need more traits) Section C: Clothing When you choose these options, you wake up with what you've picked on and a significant amount of it in your closet wherever you live now. All your other clothes will disappear Diapers (choose one, or choose one and choose a higher tier as nighttime wear for half it's bonus points): These are obviously not the permanent diapers that you'll be wearing, but generally you'll gravitate towards whatever you choose. No diapers (Cannot be taken with age:baby/toddler) diaper cyoa PasteShr diaper cyoa Pull-ups Baby-sized diapers Adult diapers (Cannot be taken by age:young child or below) Adult baby diapers (Cannot be taken by age:young child or below) Clothing proper (Options with a second point cost next to the first one incur that point cost when taken alone): Naked Haha, very original... no seriously you need to live in this world pick some clothes out. General clothing diaper cyoa How to dowload it? diaper cyoa If you're a boy, you'll get shirts and pants, if you're a girl you'll get tops, pants, skirts and maybe a dress or two Formal wear Suits for the boys, dresses for the girls, need I say more? Babyish wardrobe Rompers, sailor outfits, onesies galore! Winter clothes For you who live in colder climes diaper cyoa How to use it? diaper cyoa Lingerie Sexy underwear for those who want to spice it up in the bedroom. Comes with no bottoms if no diapers is not selected under diapers. Crossdressing clothes Plenty of girlish outfits for the discerning sissy to-be (need more clothes) Extra Clothes diaper cyoa How to use it? diaper cyoa Shoes Shoes galore! From booties to boots to high heels to flip flops. Swim clothes I mean, I guess if you want to swim this stuff is something you can get, comes with swim diapers in your size. Jewelry (Cannot be taken by age:baby/toddler) Mostly just earrings and necklaces and stuff, can't be sold. diaper cyoa How to get it? diaper cyoa Hats Various headwear, comes with a bonnet if you're really into that kind of baby aesthetic Babyish accessories plenty of beads for pigtails, maybe a bow or two and generally other babyish additions to complete the look diaper cyoa How to get it? diaper cyoa Section D: Dwelling House A basement It's a basement, and not even a particularly big or spacious one. You're practically living in a cellar. No add-ons for you! Your house Obviously, your house costs nothing, but as punishment for picking your house, you can't pick any add-ons to make it better. Small Apartment diaper cyoa How to dowload it? diaper cyoa Good luck bringing people into this place, let alone living. Luckily the rent is cheap. Only 1 add-on can be made to the small apartment. Cabin in the woods A nice secluded cabin in the woods, perfect for if you picked a horrible dystopia for a scenario, or if you want to just have it be you and your companions. Only 2 add-ons can be made to the cabin. Nicer Apartment Going up in the world I see? The nicer apartment is the daddy of the small apartment, and actually has a dedicated bedroom, kitchen, living room area and the like. Plus, it's got a great location near the center of any major city you want! Allows for 2 add-ons. diaper cyoa How to get it for free? diaper cyoa McMansion This place is pretty big, and comes in your standard American suburb. Expect some pretty friendly neighbors and having to hop in your car and drive at least half an hour for anything useful. Allows for 4 add-ons. Penthouse An apartment spanning an entire floor of some of the most prime real estate in the heart of any major city. Allows for 3 add-ons. Actual Mansion A gigantic house in the country somewhere, with spacious grounds and places to explore. Allows for infinite add-ons and all diaper cyoa How to dowload it? diaper cyoa add-ons are X points less. Your room ...Your room Another boring choice, but hey, if you're comfortable with it, go ahead. A shittier version of your room For those that are points-hungry. Comes with nothing in it but an overhead light, a single window, a twin bed with nothing but a fitted sheet, a bedsheet and a small pillow and a single chest of drawers for all of your clothes. diaper cyoa How to use it? diaper cyoa Standard bedroom Joe Schmoe bedroom over here. Queen bed, plenty of storage space and a closet. Girlish room Your standard young girl's room. Covered in pink, with a spacious walk in closet for clothes. Can be combined with nursery. Nursery (Must take if baby/toddler) A baby's room. Comes with a crib in you or your little's size, a rocking chair for your caretaker, a changing table, stuffed animals and a chest of drawers for the little one's clothes. diaper cyoa How to get it for free? diaper cyoa Luxury bedroom Gigantic bed along with tons of space for all sorts of activities. Can be combined with nursery. Additional rooms for companions can be purchased for half the written points cost. Slotless add-ons These add-ons don't count towards the amount of add-ons in your house. diaper cyoa PasteShr diaper cyoa Baby furniture Your house becomes replete with all sorts of baby furniture including highchairs, walkers and playpens. Media system It's a DVD and Blu Ray player with pretty much every movie and TV show you can find on it. (need more slotless add-ons) Add-ons diaper cyoa How to get it for free? diaper cyoa Home cinema Doesn't come with any movies, but it's a room with a kickin' sound system and an awesome screen. Gaming room Comes with gaming stuff, but you have to pick and stick with a theme, like classic arcade cabinets or NES-generation consoles. Kitchen You actually get a kitchen! You'll have to drive somewhere to get food. If you pick this add-on with a dwelling that already has a kitchen, it is upgraded and automatically stocked with everything you might need to make delicious food. diaper cyoa How to get it for free? diaper cyoa Playroom (cheaper if age is baby/toddler) A room with all the things a little boy or girl might need to keep one's self busy while the adults run the household. Additional bedroom A standard bedroom for your companion Nursery A nursery for a companion more on the little side of the spectrum. (More needed maybe) diaper cyoa How to get it for free? diaper cyoa Companions Companions are generally divided into caregivers and dependents, however there might be some companions that are either neutral or flexible, and can be convinced to maybe switch roles. Companions have their own lodging close to yours unless otherwise noted, but they can live with you if you have a spare room for them. Candy 25-Caretaker Candy is a young, up-and coming professional in the hedge fund business. Even though she's seen amazing success in business, her biological clock is ticking. What she decided she needs is a "baby with benefits". If you pick her, expect to be mostly on your own during the week, but over the weekends she transforms into a loving mommy ready to care for you. She does have a stern streak, mostly because of her tough attitude at work, but she just wants diaper cyoa How to get it? diaper cyoa her own, living breathing baby doll. -Must pick at least one secondary caregiver if age under tween. -Double points for infantile accessories in the accessories section Sally 18-Dependent Sally will swear to you with a hundred pinkie promises that she used to wear big girl pants! But when you ask her when that was, or what happened that landed her up in diapers, she'll pause for a minute and not return a straight answer. Truth is, the poor girl pissed someone off, someone powerful, and that made her end up in the state she's in now. She's lucid enough to know something's wrong when she absentmindedly fills her diapers, but there isn't enough adult left upstairs for her to realize what's wrong. Either way, she's a cute fussy girl either as a playmate or a charge. diaper cyoa PasteShr diaper cyoa Cassandra 30-Caretaker You're not really sure why Cassandra needs a roommate, but here she is anyway. You're not really sure where she got her money from, but she stays at home with you without working a single day at a real job. What you DO know, is that Cassandra LOVES to take care of you and take on responsibility. That's a great thing if you're into that, but if you're not, have fun trying to fight Cassandra every step on the way as she slowly embeds herself in every aspect of your life. At the end of the day, you're Cassandra's little man or girl, and she'll start treating you as such, whether you like it or not. TeeVee ??-??? TeeVee is the nickname you've given to the newest feature on your smart TV. You can't really place what it is exactly, but it diaper cyoa How to get it? diaper cyoa seems to be some kind of avatar that can talk to you. It can take the form of any fictional character, but the catch is that fictional character is always thickly diapered. Also, the programming on your TV has become pretty weird. Even the matureish shows are a little more simple, colorful, and kid friendly, and also the moral of most of the episodes is how great it is to be wearing a diaper. Huh.... Must be the wind. -Must have a TV Molly 1 (17)-Dependent Isn't she cute? The rehabilitation police picked her up from a Walmart just this morning. Security caught the new little one scarfing down a candy bar on aisle twelve with no proof of purchase. Before security could take her to the back to chew her out and call her parents to pick her up, a unit swung by and offered to take anyone causing trouble off the store's hands. Within an hour this one was snoozing right alongside the other subjects in their cribs on the rehab police bus. The station tried to call her house to tell her parents to come pick her up, as well as swinging by a store and picking up diaper cyoa How to use it? diaper cyoa some diapers, but nobody answered. They were probably on vacation or something, but internal protocol means that she's now regarded as an orphan, which mean's she's free to a good home, hopefully one that will keep her from making the same bad decisions she made when she grew up for the first time. -Must have a nursery UNIT_MOTHER ??-Caretaker UNIT_MOTHER ID: Isabelle is the first model the government contracted Apple to design as a fully functional humanoid domestic robot. Isabelle is a highly advanced robot, capable of doing almost anything a human can. How it came to be obtained by you is a mystery, but all you need to know is that it's kind of on the fritz. It's not a problem if you're an accommodating human being, but if you're not... well... How do I put this? The robot will diaper cyoa How to get it? diaper cyoa periodically glitch out and forcefully mother you. This is beyond its regular suite of chores and duties it has to maintain your house, instead it will coddle and dote on you until it stops malfunctioning. Max 20- Dependent Max decided to move in with you right after he had his third regression attack. That one lasted twelve hours, and at that point he realized he couldn't live alone anymore. See, Max has a problem where he will sometimes, without warning, mentally regress to a drooling toddler for several hours. This doesn't happen every day, but it happens enough where Max wears diapers constantly as a precaution and has to have someone around to take care of him in case this happens. Other than that, Max is a skinny NEET that loves to play video games and wear cute clothes. He'll help around the house when he can, but keep an eye on him in case he makes a mess all of a sudden. diaper cyoa How to use it? diaper cyoa -Must have a spare room for this companion. Gabby 24- Dependent Gabby is your standard AB girl. She loves to wear diapers, wear cute clothes and lounge around in a fully loaded nursery. She'll mainly keep to herself as a roommate, but you do have a chance of being her significant other. However, that might sound great from the start, but if you have any desire to be babyish yourself you might want to think again. If you do become Gabby's lover, she'll expect you to help her enact her fantasy, which means being her total and complete caretaker. She'll stop cleaning up after herself, changing her own diaper, doing her share of the housework and cooking her own meals, expecting you to take care of it as her daddy or mommy. This might be fun for you, but you'll have to sacrifice a lot of your diaper time to make this relationship work. diaper cyoa How to dowload it? diaper cyoa Cricket 18- Caretaker Cricket is a real cutie, but she would tan your bear bottom glowing cherry red if she ever heard you saying that. She's mommy, and she loves punishing naughty boys. Her definition of a naughty boy is conveniently very fluid, everything from wetting your diaper to not wetting it enough, to not finishing your food or not listening to her is grounds for being a naughty boy and deserving punishment. Every once and a while though, you notice a chink in Cricket's dommy persona, suggesting she could be swaddled up in diapers herself given enough convincing. Of course, this isn't possible without some help... diaper cyoa