dank memer how to quit job Here are the commands for the Dank Memer Bot: 1. Pls beg- gives you a chance to earn quick coins by the bot itself giving you coins. 2. Pls scout/search- gives you a chance to earn easy coins but it could cost you. 3. Pls work list- gives you a choice of several jobs to choose from (following instructions will be given after typing this command.) 4. Pls work- only works every hour, this will give you a job such as unscrambling, memorizing, typing a sentence, or filling in the blank. 5. Pls quit job- you will leave your job and wont be able to be hired for another 12 hours. 6. Pls lottery- you have a choice to buy a lottery ticket for 100 coins. 7. Pls inv- shows you your invetory(pls inv 2 will show you your next page list such as, pls page 3, pls page 4, etc.) 8. Pls sell- meaning you can sell anything in your inventory(example pls sell bread, or if you have 3 breads you'd say, pls sell bread 3) 9. Pls bal- will show you your wallet balance and your bank balance. 10. Pls profile- will show you your profile (level, balance, bank max capacity, etc) 11. Pls rob @(target)- must have 500 coins in wallet as welll as the target, gives you a chance to rob somebody's wallet, but if you fail you pay up 500 to the target. 12. Pls heist @(target)- must have 1k in wallet as well as the target, must have atleast 1 partner to rob the target's bank. 13. Pls shop- if you have enough coins you can buy an item in the shop, (coinbombs, lifesavers, padlocks, laptops, etc) 14. Pls use (item that is in your inventory)- will allow you to use any item in your inventory. 15. Pls vote- will send a link that you will open (the top on) and press vote, this will give you a normie box that will be put into your inventory. 16. Pls weekly- every week collect free coins. 17. Pls bet/slots (selected amount)- will give you a chance to win more money if you win, but if you lose, the amount you selected will perish. 18. Pls dep (selected amount) deposits your selected amount into your bank. 19. Pls with (selected amount)-withdraws your selcted amount from your bank. 20. Pls pet list- gives a list of pets you can buy(follow further instructions to buy a pet) 21. Pls flip coin- call it in the air heads or tails, get it right gain 1 coin. 22. Pls fight (@selected user)-you can fight another player,say punch to attack the target or defend to gain armor, or end ti forfeit the match. 23. Pls meme- this will post a meme. 24. Pls kill (@selected player)- Will kill the selected player (not doing any harm.) 25. Pls hack (@selected player)- Will hack the selected player (not doing any harm) 26. Pls dab (@selected player)- Will make the selcted players pfp dab. 27. Pls gay (@selected player)- Will make the selected players pfp colorful like a rainbow. dank memer how to quit job