danbooru custom css /* Simple dark theme for donmai.us They wouldn't let me put this on userstyles.org because it's an "adult site" so it's going here Paste this code into either a Stylus skin or directly into the custom CSS box in My Account > Settings > Advanced There are probably a few places I missed so I'll update if I find any I could probably also write this more efficiently but I literally don't know CSS so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ */ body,#page,#page-footer,#top { background-color:#222 } danbooru custom css How to get it? danbooru custom css header#top menu,header#top menu.main li.current a { background:#333 } .category-1 a:link,.category-1 a:visited,a.tag-type-1:link,a.tag-type-1:visited,.ui-widget-content .category-1 a:link,.ui-widget-content .category-1 a:visited,.ui-widget-content a.tag-type-1:link,.ui-widget-content a.tag-type-1:visited { color:#D22 } .category-1 a:hover,a.tag-type-1:hover,.ui-widget-content .category-1 a:hover,.ui-widget-content a.tag-type-1:hover { danbooru custom css How to get it for free? danbooru custom css color:#F44 } .category-4 a:link,.category-4 a:visited,a.tag-type-4:link,a.tag-type-4:visited,.ui-widget-content .category-4 a:link,.ui-widget-content .category-4 a:visited,.ui-widget-content a.tag-type-4:link,.ui-widget-content a.tag-type-4:visited { color:#1B1 } .category-4 a:hover,a.tag-type-4:hover,.ui-widget-content .category-4 a:hover,.ui-widget-content a.tag-type-4:hover { color:#3C3 } danbooru custom css How to use it? danbooru custom css table.striped thead th,menu li { color:#aaa } footer#page-footer { border-top:1px solid #ddd; color:#aaa } danbooru custom css PasteShr danbooru custom css a:link,a:visited,div#page aside#sidebar h1,div#c-users div#a-show table.user-statistics th,div#c-users div#a-show table.user-statistics td,form.inline-form > div.input input,form.inline-form > div.input label,div#c-comments div#a-index div.header strong,div#c-comments div#a-index div.header time,div#c-comments div#a-show div.header strong,div#c-comments div#a-show div.header time,div#c-comments div#a-index div.header span.info,div#c-comments div#a-show div.header span.info,table.aligned-vertical th,table.search th,table.striped tbody tr,form.simple_form div.input label,div#c-posts aside#sidebar > section > ul li,a,abbr,acronym,address,blockquote,caption,cite,code,dd,del,dfn,dl,dt,em,fieldset,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,img,label,legend,li,ol,p,pre,q,s,samp,small,strike,strong,sub,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr,tt,ul,var { color:#ccc } blockquote { background:#444 } table.striped tr:nth-child(2n) { background-color:#333 danbooru custom css How to get it for free? danbooru custom css } div#c-posts div.notice.notice-pending,div#c-posts div.notice.notice-resized,div#c-posts div.notice.notice-child,div#c-posts div.notice.notice-parent { border-color:#444; background:#333; color:#aaa } div#page div#ban-notice, div#page div#dmail-notice, div#page div#mod-notice, div#page div#sign-up-notice, div#page div#tos-notice, div#page div#upgrade-account-notice, div#notice:not(.ui-state-error), .ui-state-highlight, div#c-posts div.nav-notice { background:#333; danbooru custom css PasteShr danbooru custom css border:1px solid #444; color:#ccc } div#c-posts div#a-show #artist-commentary { border:1px solid #444; background-color:#333 } div#c-users div#a-edit .active { danbooru custom css How to dowload it? danbooru custom css color:#fff } table.striped tbody tr:hover { background-color:#555 } danbooru custom css