d-day script pastebin -- made by wag (edited version of in game script) local between_ray = function(Point_1, Point_2) local Ray_Params = RaycastParams.new(); Ray_Params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Whitelist local Parts = {game:GetService("Workspace").Map,game.Workspace.Terrain,game.workspace.Boundaries,game:GetService("Workspace")["Map_Boundaries"],game:GetService("Workspace").Scriptables} Ray_Params.FilterDescendantsInstances = Parts --Something to keep in mind is that this will filter out descendants of the target part as well local Ray_Result = nil local Direction = CFrame.new(Point_1, Point_2).LookVector local Distance = (Point_1 - Point_2).Magnitude Ray_Result = workspace:Raycast(Point_1, Direction * Distance,Ray_Params) d-day script pastebin How to get it? d-day script pastebin if Ray_Result then return true,Ray_Result.Instance end return false end local part_cache = {} for i,v in ipairs(game.workspace:GetDescendants()) do if (v.Name == 'Actual_Helment' or v.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")) or (v:IsA("BasePart") and v.CanCollide == false) then table.insert(part_cache,v) end d-day script pastebin How to get it for free? d-day script pastebin end local function closest_player_to_mouse() local local_player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local camera = game.workspace.CurrentCamera local our_team = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Team local other_team_players = {} for i,v in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if v.Team ~= our_team then table.insert(other_team_players,v) end end local screen_points = {} d-day script pastebin How to get it? d-day script pastebin for i,v in ipairs(other_team_players) do if not v.Character or not v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") or not v.Character.Humanoid.RootPart then continue end local position = v.Character.Humanoid.RootPart.Position local vector,visible = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(position) if visible then local check_point = {local_player.Character.Head.Position,v.Character.Head.Position} local parts_inbetween,part = between_ray(check_point[1],check_point[2],part_cache) print(parts_inbetween,part) if parts_inbetween == false then d-day script pastebin PasteShr d-day script pastebin table.insert(screen_points,{Vector2.new(vector.x,vector.y),player=v}) end end end local mouse_vector = game:GetService("UserInputService"):GetMouseLocation() local lowest_mag = {player = nil; distance = 1000000;} for i,v in ipairs(screen_points) do local mag_distance = (v[1]-mouse_vector).Magnitude if mag_distance < lowest_mag.distance then lowest_mag = {player = v.player;distance = mag_distance} d-day script pastebin How to use it? d-day script pastebin end end if not lowest_mag.player then return false,nil end return true,lowest_mag.player end local v1 = {}; d-day script pastebin PasteShr d-day script pastebin local framework = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Modules"):WaitForChild("Universal"):WaitForChild("Framework")); local modules = framework.modules; local l__DUC__2 = framework.clientEvents:WaitForChild("DUC"); local run_func = function(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) --print("func called",p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) if p6 == nil then return; end; if p1 ~= nil then local l__Character__3 = p1.Character; d-day script pastebin How to get it for free? d-day script pastebin if p1.Character and p2 ~= nil and p5 ~= nil then local l__Head__4 = l__Character__3:FindFirstChild("Head"); if p2:IsDescendantOf(l__Character__3) and l__Head__4 then local v5 = l__Head__4.Position; if p2.Name == "Stationary MG42" then v5 = (CFrame.new(l__Head__4.Position) * CFrame.new(0, 0, 5)).p; end; local weapon = framework.weapons:FindFirstChild(p2.Name); local gun_settings = require(weapon:FindFirstChild("Setting")); if weapon and gun_settings then d-day script pastebin How to get it for free? d-day script pastebin if p6 > 250 or gun_settings.AmmoPerClip > 250 then --return end; local gun_handle = p2:FindFirstChild(gun_settings.HandleName); if gun_handle then local hit_part, pos_hit, v11 = modules.Raycast(p1, v5, (CFrame.new(l__Head__4.Position, p3) * p4).lookVector, 2000, l__Character__3); local v12 = ((gun_handle.CFrame * CFrame.new(gun_settings.MuzzleOffset.X, gun_settings.MuzzleOffset.Y, gun_settings.MuzzleOffset.Z)).p - pos_hit).magnitude / 2; local v13 = nil; local v14 = false; local v15 = false; d-day script pastebin How to get it? d-day script pastebin local v16 = gun_settings.HitSoundIDs[math.random(1, #gun_settings.HitSoundIDs)]; if not hit_part or not hit_part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then local success,cptm = closest_player_to_mouse() if success then hit_part = cptm.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("MeshPart") if hit_part then pos_hit = hit_part.Position end end end d-day script pastebin PasteShr d-day script pastebin if hit_part and hit_part.Parent then local hitp_humanoid = hit_part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid"); local hitp_rootpart = hit_part.Parent:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"); local hit_head = hit_part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Head") print("Faking hithead",hit_head) if hit_head then hit_part = hit_head end if hitp_humanoid and hitp_humanoid.Health > 0 and hitp_rootpart then local damage_raw = gun_settings.BaseDamage; if damage_raw > 105 or gun_settings.BaseDamage > 105 then return d-day script pastebin How to get it for free? d-day script pastebin end; if hit_part.Name == "Head" then v14 = true; damage_raw = gun_settings.BaseDamage * gun_settings.HeadshotDamageMultiplier; local v20 = gun_settings.HitHeadIDs[math.random(1, #gun_settings.HitHeadIDs)]; else v20 = gun_settings.HitHumanoidIDs[math.random(1, #gun_settings.HitHumanoidIDs)]; if hit_part.Parent.Name == "Barricade" then v20 = 142082171; v15 = true; d-day script pastebin How to get it? d-day script pastebin end; end; local damage = math.ceil(damage_raw); spawn(function() modules.Generate_Splash(hit_part.Position, damage, v14, v15, framework.rs.Sounds.HeadSound, framework.rs.Sounds.HitSound, p5); end); local v21 = false; if hitp_humanoid.Parent.Name == "#!D" then --v21 = true; d-day script pastebin How to use it? d-day script pastebin --l__DUC__2:Fire(); end; if v21 then return; end; framework.remote.Attempt_Fire:FireServer(p2, hit_part, hitp_humanoid, hitp_rootpart, pos_hit, v13, damage, p6, gun_settings.AmmoPerClip, gun_settings.FireRate, v21); else local v22 = Vector3.new(0, 1, 0):Cross(v11); v13 = { pos_hit, v22, math.asin(v22.magnitude) }; end; d-day script pastebin How to get it? d-day script pastebin if hit_part.Name == "Actual_Helmet" then v13 = nil; local l__Humanoid__23 = hit_part.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid"); if l__Humanoid__23 then local v24 = framework.players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(l__Humanoid__23.Parent); if v24 == nil or v24.Team ~= p1.Team then v16 = gun_settings.HelmetSoundID; spawn(function() modules.Generate_Splash(hit_part.Position, 0, false, false, framework.rs.Sounds.HeadSound, framework.rs.Sounds.HelmetSound, p5); d-day script pastebin PasteShr d-day script pastebin end); framework.remote.Attempt_Fire:FireServer(p2, hit_part, hitp_humanoid, hitp_rootpart, pos_hit, v13, 0, p6, gun_settings.AmmoPerClip, gun_settings.FireRate); end; end; end; end; framework.clientEvents.Visualize_Bullet:Fire(gun_handle, gun_settings, hit_part, pos_hit, v16, v13); framework.remote.Display_Bullet:FireServer(p2, hit_part, pos_hit, v13, gun_settings.FireRate); end; end; d-day script pastebin How to get it? d-day script pastebin end; end; end; end; local cb = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Modules.Client["Client_Bullet"] require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Modules.Universal.Framework).modules.Client_Bullet = run_func local sc d-day script pastebin How to dowload it? d-day script pastebin for i,v in ipairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack:GetDescendants()) do if v.Name == 'GunScript_Local' then sc = v end end local fire_func = getsenv(sc).Fire local m = (getupvalue(fire_func,3)) m.Client_Bullet = run_func setupvalue(fire_func,3,m) d-day script pastebin PasteShr d-day script pastebin d-day script pastebin