coc2 etheryn You finish tying the last of the knots, smiling to yourself at how secure they are. Even with Ryn as slippery as she is, you're sure that she isn't going to be squirming out of these any time soon. Sure, while you could do this while she's asleep, you want her to be with you when you're at it. Memories are better when you make them with someone, after all. Once you're certain Ryn is tied down nice and good, you give the trappy elf a poke in the side to wake her up. "Mm? Oh — " Etheryn's eyes flicker open, and her peaceful expression soon changes to one of whimpering horror as she realises what you've done to her. Trussed up, bound to all four corners of her bed and completely naked to boot, the trappy princess squirms against her bindings to no avail. It's kind of funny seeing her try anyway; after all this time together, you know most of her tricks and aren't going to be giving her even the tiniest bit of slack to work with. There, there. This is for the best. Once you're through with her, she'll never have to fear her sister, her own doubts, or anyone else ever again. Well, except you, that is. "I-I don't like this. Please... don't do it..." Damn, Etheryn's resistance is just turning you on even more. Reaching into your belongings, you retrieve the flask that Ivris prepared just for this occasion, and then tell your pretty pale princess to hold still. This will just take a moment... Ivris assured you that you'd see the results within seconds. "What is this? W-what are you planning?" coc2 etheryn PasteShr coc2 etheryn To succeed where her sister failed — to make her the woman she was always meant to be. Now that really sets off poor Ryn. Perhaps you could've worded that better, not brought up her sister, but there's a nasty, gleeful part of you that finds Etheryn squirming before you simply and utterly adorable. Pulling out the cork on the flask, you run your fingers through Ryn's long, snow-blonde hair and quietly assure her that no harm's going to come to her. You just want to see what's going to happen if you apply this to her body, that's all. Though Etheryn doesn't say anything else, you can tell she's really nervous . Half-kneeling beside her, you stroke Ryn's face softly, gently telling her to relax. Everything will be fine, so long as she acts like a princess in peril ought to and stays calm. "H-how can I relax when you’re going to, I don't know — " coc2 etheryn PasteShr coc2 etheryn You'll just have to show her, then. Upending the flask, you pour out a small measure of the clear, viscous liquid into your palm; it feels lukewarm to the touch, smooth and sensual. While you'd wager that it'd make for wonderful lube, that's not the main reason why you had this made just for Ryn. You begin with Ryn's head, massaging the warm liquid into her scalp, covering her platinum-blonde locks with that feels like distilled eroticism. Little by little, the elf princess relaxes against her will, her breath evening out as the beginnings of arousal wash away fear. Ryn's hair was already pretty, but her locks become practically ravishing as you ply your hands over them, each cool strand glimmering with a scintillating inner light as the alchemical concoction works its magic. With the way it flows and shifts even as she struggles half-heartedly against her bindings, you resolve to get her to grow it out once you're done with this adventure. "W-what's happening to me?" Like you said, you're turning her into the princess that she should have been from the outset. If her sister had ever been truly interested in bringing her up as a woman, she should've done this instead of endlessly tormenting her with that chastity cage. Finishing up with her hair, you give Ryn an affectionate pat on the head and turn your attention to her face. Poor Ryn opens her mouth to speak, but you gently shush her with a finger to her lips and start work on her face. With thumb and forefinger alike, you stroke Ryn's lips as if applying lipstick to the elf, feeling them becoming plumper, softer, and more inviting by the second. By the time you’re done, Ryn's left with puffy lips that are just perfect for kissing... or sucking cock. From there, you move on to the rest of Ryn's face; with some encouragement from your fingers, she closes her deep blue eyes and you massage the liquid into her cool skin. You can feel her features changing under your touch, shifting away from androgyny and into something more feminine. A soft whimper bubbles from Ryn's new mouth, already sounding more womanly. It brings a smile to your face, but you’re not done yet. Ryn's already well on the road to perfection, but there's always room for improvement; biting your lip in concentration, you pinch her chin and jaw, making them more pointed and svelte. You mould Ryn's cheekbones, pushing them just that bit higher to give her that true air of nobility, that tweak her button nose ever so slightly to push it to perfection. You haven't even touched them, but Ryn's new long eyelashes are positively stunning. Much better. You've prepared a mirror just for this occasion, and hold it up in front of Ryn so she can see her new visage. There, does she like it? coc2 etheryn How to get it for free? coc2 etheryn Ryn swallows hard. "I... I don't know. I don't even recognize me at this point." She may say it, but at least she's stopped struggling against her restraints. You smile, knowing that Ryn will come around to your point of view when you're done with the rest of her. Drifting lower, you slowly sluice the warm concoction over Ryn's chest, eagerly groping it in the process. Her flesh feels like firm clay in your hands as you work, pliable as your fingers press on it, yet keeping its shape when you pull away. Cupping your fingers, you begin working Ivris' alchemical wonder into Ryn's pectorals, causing it to rise under your touch like bread leavening. Her eyes roll into her head as her lungs empty themselves in a loud, lascivious moan; tenderness surges into Ryn's increasingly sensitive chest as her chest ripens and swells. With great care, you knead and caress, making each tit fatter and fuller, supporting it as it starts to droop slightly under its own weight. Using your forefingers and thumbs, you pinch and tease each of Ryn's nipples, making them swell into delicious little pink pearls. By the time you're done, Ryn's sporting a pair of perky C-cups, heaving with each breath she takes. She's gorgeous. Ryn's a thing of beauty, a true masterpiece; she moans as you finally lift your hands from her tits, visibly quivering, and you wonder for a second what the concoction may be doing to her, deep inside. For a moment, the urge to rush ahead to the best part wells up inside of you, but you force it down. This is something to savour, to enjoy to the fullest; it will be all the sweeter for having waited. After taking a moment to admire your handiwork, you eagerly trail your hands down Ryn's midriff, carrying with them Ivris' ingenious creation that’s making all of this possible. There’s not really a lot to do here; the elven princess already sports a lithe, toned belly that goes perfectly well with her burgeoning hourglass form. Nevertheless, you still make the effort, slathering her with a thin sheen on the stuff, massaging her midriff as you work it in nice and good. Does she like this? Does she? coc2 etheryn How to dowload it? coc2 etheryn "I... I... " Leisurely, you stalk around your mewling, panting princess, bending over her and giving her your best smile as you dump a good third of the flask between the bedroll and her back. More of the viscous concoction sluices down her spine, flowing over the swell and through the cleft of her buttocks, making her moan as it seeps through her skin. Your hands circle Ryn's waist, stroking and pinching; in all honesty, there’s very little room for improvement here. The elven princess has quite a set of hips on her already... still, you delight in making what changes you can. A little tug here, and a little pull there, and you spread her wider, giving her even more of a womanly waistline and hips more suited for birthing. With lecherous glee, you caress Ryn's butt — it's just so ripe, so round, so fully packed. Even as you eagerly molest it with wanton abandon, you can think of little to do to improve her tush. Eventually, you settle for doing a little nip here, a tuck there, fixing up some portions where it's started to lose its battle against its own weight. Ryn yelps as your hand cracks playfully against the side of her voluminous butt, but it fades into a whimper as pain's transmuted to pleasure by the sheer sensitivity of those loving twin mounds. Now she's almost a match for her sister — almost. The flask is quite drained by now, but there's enough sloshing around for a few last improvements before the grand finale. Hugging the increasingly effeminate elf's waist, you dribble a bit of Ivris' alchemical wonder down each of her slender legs. Your hands coast up and down, savouring the firm muscle in each svelte thigh, feeling them gain a few feminine inches in girth even as her calves lose a little. Demurely, Ryn wiggles one foot and then the other, letting you rub some of the excess concoction between her toes. Nothing seems to change, she's already so lovely that there's really not much to improve at this point. coc2 etheryn How to dowload it? coc2 etheryn And now... now, there’s just one last trace of the old Ryn to take care of. Licking your lips in anticipation, you peer around Ryn's hips as your hands reach for her cock. Despite everything, despite knowing that it’s about to be erased from her body, Ryn's puny prick is standing proudly erect, throbbing with unrequited need as a thick streamer of pre-cum seeps from its tip. Your hand, dripping with slick concoction, close around it, enveloping almost all of the turgid flesh that throbs with the cold frostfire of her pulse. Ryn moans incoherently as you jerk her off, your hands stroking back and forth along her meager manhood, thumb rubbing at the tender underside of her cock head while your fingers play her like a flute. You can feel it shrinking, growing smaller and smaller on each firm downstroke. A chorus of ecstatic cries and moans fill your ears as you work, pre-cum flowing sticky and sluggish over your fingers. With deceptive slowness given how small it was to begin with, Ryn's old maleness vanishes into her body. Three inches, two inches, one — and just before her manhood is finally literally rubbed out from existence, Ryn erupts in a spurt of freezing seed as her groin swallows up her head. As you nevertheless rub it with your thumb, you can feel it shrinking smaller and smaller, until all that's left is a bare groin. You work is far from done, of course — you can't leave Ryn bare like this, and besides, there're her balls to deal with. Cupping them in a hand, you watch them with rapt fascination, kneading them and rolling them around on your palm as they lie in a small pool of alchemical magic. Considering what happened to her dick, you expected her balls to follow suit, but the exact opposite happens; they begin to swell — first something more resembling a man's, then to the size of cherry tomatoes, then to walnuts and still going. At the same time, the tiny pouch holding her family jewels starts to contract, pushing against her pulsing, swelling balls as they expand outwards. For a while, it looks like neither is getting her upper hand, and then with a lewd slurp, Ryn's bulging balls begin to be drawn into her groin. It's too much for the elven princess — she throws her head back and screams to the skies as her balls travel upwards through her lower belly, transforming into the ovaries for her new womb. The rest of her scrotum doesn't just stop at her groin, but sinks into her body; you push insistently after it, opening a cleft into soft, delicate tissue as your hand works its magic. With utmost care, you massage the edges of her newformed love-tunnel with one hand, slowly tweaking and stroking. You can feel them smoothing out and swelling up as you tenderly coax them into their true form: juicy, puffy labia. You pinch and squeeze, forming first a love-button for you to tease, then a nice little hood for it to hide under. coc2 etheryn How to dowload it? coc2 etheryn Gently, you press into Ryn's gash, slowly teasing the soft, vulnerable flesh. As you push, you can feel it giving way, widening in anticipation of future insertions. First, one finger fits inside, and then a second, both vanishing to the knuckle. Ryn trembles and whimpers, teeth chattering in sensory overload as you continue to sculpt her inside and out. Only when you add the third finger does the magic reach its fullness — Ryn arches her back and howls like a bitch in heat. Her folds spasm under your touch, her tunnel clenching down on the intruding digits with crushing force as she is wracked by her first female orgasm. Marvellous. With Ryn stretched out like this, you spread your fingers, forcing open her cunt until it's wide enough to admit the flask's neck. Tipping it around, you pour the rest of the transformative concoction directly into the elven princess' pussy, infusing her with distilled womanhood in the most direct fashion. Ryn howls again as she feels several internal changes take place, pushing her desire to inhuman levels as her freshly-forged feminine parts grow and strengthen. Patiently, you sit there and wait, riding out her efforts until the panting elf slumps back on her bedroll. Her pussy falls slack and you withdraw your hand, wetly slurping as you pull it from her passage. Smiling to yourself at the sight of Ryn's honey glistening on your fingers, you lift them to your mouth and savour the sweet taste of success. Now she's a match for her sister. Ryn gasps, still drooling copiously from her new vagina. "I can’t believe you did this to me..." coc2 etheryn How to dowload it? coc2 etheryn There’s no need for her to be upset, you say, laying a hand on her shoulder. Now she's the princess she should have been to begin with — stunning, sexy, and simply beautiful to look. "You really mean that?" she asks, looking up at you, still appearing uncertain. You hold up the mirror to Ryn so she can admire the fullness of her new form. She looks herself over a couple times, then gives you a hesitant nod. "All right. Would it be too much to ask you to untie me now?" Not just yet. You’re very happy with her changes, and you ave a feeling that you can persuade her into enjoying them as well. You look pointedly downwards towards your bulbous, bestial cock, Ryn following your gaze to your throbbing erection. She blinks in surprise as you draw close to her and tenderly wrap her fingers around your length. coc2 etheryn How to dowload it? coc2 etheryn Now then. Does she see what she’s doing to you with her gorgeous new body? She'll need help breaking it in, and you're here with only the best of intentions. She doesn't need that silly virginity of hers, after all... You wake up in a cold sweat, as aroused as you were in your dreams. Damn, and just as it was getting good, too... you toss and turn for a little while, hoping to get back to the same dream when you finally doze off... coc2 etheryn