broken bones 5 script pastebin Note: 1# execute your script 2# fall 3# You Get more money local FinishRun = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').Functions.FinishRun local namecall; namecall = hookmetamethod(game, '__namecall', function(caller, ...) local args = {...} local method = getnamecallmethod() if not checkcaller() and caller == FinishRun and method == 'InvokeServer' then args[2][1] = 1000 -- breaks args[2][2] = 1000 -- sprains broken bones 5 script pastebin How to get it for free? broken bones 5 script pastebin args[2][3] = 100 -- dislocations args[2][8]['Breaks'] = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -- math.huge breaks this script end return namecall(caller, unpack(args)) end) --this was not made by me it was made by Sharp1ne in v3rm broken bones 5 script pastebin