basically fnf: remix script local getcontext = syn and syn.get_thread_identity or getthreadcontext local setcontext = syn and syn.set_thread_identity or setthreadcontext local material = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() local wait = wait; local cowrap = coroutine.wrap; local del = 0.2 local ui = material.Load({ Title = "fnf auto player |", Style = 1, basically fnf: remix script PasteShr basically fnf: remix script SizeX = 400, SizeY = 400, Theme = "Dark" }) local main = ui.New({ Title = "Main" }) local delspeed = main.Slider({ basically fnf: remix script PasteShr basically fnf: remix script Text = "Del Speed (Divide By 100)", Callback = function(value) del = value / 100 end, Min = 1, Max = 100, Def = 20 }) local vim = game:GetService("VirtualInputManager") basically fnf: remix script How to get it for free? basically fnf: remix script local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local root = plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart local function getpos() local parts = workspace.Stages:GetDescendants() local nearest = nil; local closest = 0; for i,v in pairs(parts) do if v.Name:sub(1, 1) == "P" and v:IsA("BasePart") then basically fnf: remix script How to get it? basically fnf: remix script if closest < (root.Position - v.Position).Magnitude then nearest = v closest = (root.Position - v.Position).Magnitude end end end return nearest.Name:gsub("%D+", "") end basically fnf: remix script How to get it? basically fnf: remix script local keymap = { ["U"] = Enum.KeyCode.W, ["D"] = Enum.KeyCode.S, ["L"] = Enum.KeyCode.A, ["R"] = Enum.KeyCode.D } local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local gui = player.PlayerGui basically fnf: remix script How to get it? basically fnf: remix script local function hit(key, await) wait(2 / await - del) vim:SendKeyEvent(true, keymap[key], false, game) end gui.ChildAdded:Connect(function(ui) if ui.Name == "FNFMode" then local scr = ui:WaitForChild("FNFMain") local succ, env = pcall(getsenv, scr) basically fnf: remix script How to get it for free? basically fnf: remix script if not succ then wait(2) succ, env = pcall(getsenv, scr) end local orig = env.Note local our = getpos(); env.Note = function(key, opp, await) local old = getcontext() basically fnf: remix script How to get it for free? basically fnf: remix script setcontext(7) local turn = opp:gsub("%D+", "") if tonumber(our) == tonumber(turn) then cowrap(hit)(key, await) end setcontext(old) return orig(key, opp, await) basically fnf: remix script How to get it? basically fnf: remix script end end end) basically fnf: remix script