base wars script pastebin for i, t in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack:GetChildren()) do if t:IsA("Tool") and t:FindFirstChild("Ammo") then t:FindFirstChild("Ammo").Value = -100000 t:FindFirstChild("MAX").Value = -100000 end end game.ReplicatedStorage.DataList.GunDataList.RobloxLocked = true game.ReplicatedStorage.DataList.LauncherDataList.RobloxLocked = true local a = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.DataList.GunDataList) local b = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.DataList.LauncherDataList) for i, stats in next, a do base wars script pastebin How to use it? base wars script pastebin a[i][2] = 220111 a[i][3] = 55 a[i][4] = 1000 a[i][5] = 0 a[i][16] = 0 a[i][17] = 0 a[i][19] = 150 a[i][20] = 150 a[i][21] = 350 a[i][22] = 350 base wars script pastebin How to dowload it? base wars script pastebin print("statchanged "..a[i][1]) end ----------------------------------- for i, stats in next, b do a[i][2] = 220111 a[i][3] = 5511 a[i][5] = 64 a[i][6] = 50000 a[i][7] = 0 a[i][8] = 10000 base wars script pastebin How to dowload it? base wars script pastebin a[i][14] = 0 print("statchanged "..b[i][1]) end base wars script pastebin