bad business pastebin -- Services local Players = game:GetService("Players") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") -- Modules local Ts = require(ReplicatedStorage.TS) -- Player local Player = Players.LocalPlayer bad business pastebin How to use it? bad business pastebin local Mouse = Player:GetMouse() local CurrentCamera = workspace.CurrentCamera -- Library local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() local Math = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() -- Window(s) local CombatWindow = Library:CreateWindow("Combat") local EspWindow = Library:CreateWindow("Esp") bad business pastebin How to dowload it? bad business pastebin local MiscWindow = Library:CreateWindow("Misc") local Settings = Library:CreateWindow("Settings") -- Folders local Main = CombatWindow:AddFolder("Aimbot") local KnifeAura = CombatWindow:AddFolder("Knife Aura") local EspMain = EspWindow:AddFolder("Main") local EspSettings = EspWindow:AddFolder("Settings") local GunMods = MiscWindow:AddFolder("Gun Mods") local Misc = MiscWindow:AddFolder("Movement") bad business pastebin How to get it? bad business pastebin local MainSettings = Settings:AddFolder("Settings") Main:AddToggle({text = "Enabled", flag = "aimbot_enabled"}) --Main:AddToggle({text = "Visible Check", flag = "aimbot_visiblecheck"}) Main:AddList({text = "Aimbot type", flag = "aimbot_type", value = "Redirection", values = {"Redirection", "Lock on"}}) Main:AddList({text = "Hitpart", flag = "aimbot_hitpart", value = "Abdomen", values = {"Abdomen", "Hips", "Chest", "Neck", "Head"}}) Main:AddSlider({text = "Redirection miss %", flag = "aimbot_misspercent", min = 0, max = 100, value = 0}) Main:AddSlider({text = "Aimbot smoothing", flag = "aimbot_smoothing", min = 3, max = 10, value = 5, float = 0.1}) Main:AddToggle({text = "Fov circle", flag = "aimbot_fovcircle"}) Main:AddSlider({text = "Fov radius", flag = "aimbot_fovradius", min = 10, max = 800, value = 100}) bad business pastebin How to use it? bad business pastebin Main:AddColor({text = "Fov color", flag = "aimbot_fovcolor", value = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)}) KnifeAura:AddToggle({text = "Enabled", flag = "knifeaura_enabled"}) KnifeAura:AddToggle({text = "Auto knife", flag = "knifeaura_autoknife"}) KnifeAura:AddToggle({text = "Kill all", flag = "knifeaura_killall"}) KnifeAura:AddToggle({text = "Instant teleport", flag = "knifeaura_instanttp"}) KnifeAura:AddSlider({text = "Radius", flag = "knifeaura_radius", min = 0, max = 20, suffix = " Studs"}) KnifeAura:AddList({text = "Hitpart", flag = "knifeaura_hitpart", values = {"Abdomen", "Hips", "Chest", "Neck", "Head"}}) KnifeAura:AddLabel({text = "Turn off fly with kill all"}) bad business pastebin How to get it for free? bad business pastebin GunMods:AddToggle({text = "No recoil", flag = "gun_norecoil"}) GunMods:AddToggle({text = "No spread", flag = "gun_nospread"}) Misc:AddToggle({text = "Click TP", flag = "misc_clicktp"}) Misc:AddBind({text = "TP Key", flag = "misc_clicktpbind", key = "Z", callback = function() local Character = Ts.Characters:GetCharacter(Player) if (Character and Character:FindFirstChild("Root") and Library.flags.misc_clicktp) then Character.Root.CFrame = Mouse.Hit *, 5, 0) end bad business pastebin How to get it for free? bad business pastebin end}) Misc:AddToggle({text = "Fly", flag = "misc_fly"}) Misc:AddSlider({text = "Fly speed", flag = "misc_flyspeed", min = 0, max = 100, value = 100}) EspMain:AddToggle({text = "Enabled", flag = "esp_enabled"}) EspMain:AddToggle({text = "Names", flag = "esp_names"}) EspMain:AddToggle({text = "Distance", flag = "esp_distance"}) EspMain:AddToggle({text = "Weapons", flag = "esp_weapons"}) EspMain:AddToggle({text = "Boxes", flag = "esp_boxes"}) EspMain:AddToggle({text = "Healthbars", flag = "esp_healthbars"}) bad business pastebin How to get it? bad business pastebin EspSettings:AddList({text = "Text casing", flag = "esp_textcasing", values = {"Normal", "UPPERCASE", "lowercase"}}) MainSettings:AddBind({text = "Open / Close", key = "RightShift", callback = function() Library:Close() end}) MainSettings:AddButton({text = "Copy discord invite", callback = function() setclipboard("") end}) MainSettings:AddLabel({text = "WetCheezit#4345"}) bad business pastebin How to get it for free? bad business pastebin MainSettings:AddLabel({text = "siper#9938"}) -- Functions local function CheckTeam(Target) return Ts.Teams:GetPlayerTeam(Target) ~= Ts.Teams:GetPlayerTeam(Player) end local function GetClosest(Fov) local Target, Closest = nil, Fov or math.huge bad business pastebin How to get it? bad business pastebin for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do local Character = Ts.Characters:GetCharacter(v) if (v ~= Player and CheckTeam(v)) then if (Character and Character:FindFirstChild("Hitbox") and Character.Hitbox:FindFirstChild(Library.flags.aimbot_hitpart)) then local Position, OnScreen = CurrentCamera:WorldToScreenPoint(Character.Hitbox[Library.flags.aimbot_hitpart].Position) local Distance = (, Position.Y) -, Mouse.Y)).Magnitude if (Distance < Closest and OnScreen) then Closest = Distance bad business pastebin How to get it? bad business pastebin Target = v end end end end return Target end local function GetDistanceClosest(MaxDist) bad business pastebin How to get it for free? bad business pastebin local Target, Closest = nil, MaxDist or math.huge for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do local Character = Ts.Characters:GetCharacter(v) if (v ~= Player and CheckTeam(v)) then if (Character and Character:FindFirstChild("Hitbox") and Character.Hitbox:FindFirstChild(Library.flags.aimbot_hitpart)) then local LocalCharacter = Ts.Characters:GetCharacter(Player) if (LocalCharacter) then bad business pastebin How to use it? bad business pastebin local LocalRoot = LocalCharacter:FindFirstChild("Root") local Root = Character:FindFirstChild("Root") local Distance = (LocalRoot.Position - Root.Position).Magnitude if (Distance < Closest) then Closest = Distance Target = v end end bad business pastebin How to get it? bad business pastebin end end end return Target end --[[local function IsVisible(Target) local Character = Ts.Characters:GetCharacter(Target) local RootPos = Character.Root.Position bad business pastebin How to get it for free? bad business pastebin local IgnoreList = { CurrentCamera, Character, Character.Root, Ts.Characters:GetCharacter(Player) } return workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(, RootPos - CurrentCamera.CFrame.p), IgnoreList) == nil end]]-- local function GetKnifeModel() local Character = Ts.Characters:GetCharacter(Player) if (Character and Character:FindFirstChild("Backpack") and Character.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Melee")) then return Character.Backpack.Melee.Value bad business pastebin PasteShr bad business pastebin end return nil end local EspCache = {} local function ParseText(Text) local Casing = Library.flags.esp_textcasing local NewText = Text bad business pastebin PasteShr bad business pastebin if (Casing == "UPPERCASE") then NewText = NewText:upper() elseif (Casing == "lowercase") then NewText = NewText:lower() end return NewText end bad business pastebin How to get it for free? bad business pastebin local function GetBoundingBox(Character) local Data = {} for i,v in pairs(Character.Body:GetChildren()) do for i2, v2 in pairs(Math.getpartinfo2(v.CFrame, v.Size)) do Data[#Data + 1] = v2 end end return Math.getposlist2(Data) bad business pastebin How to dowload it? bad business pastebin end local function Create(Class, Properties) local Object = for i,v in pairs(Properties) do Object[i] = v end return Object bad business pastebin How to get it? bad business pastebin end local function AddEsp(Player) if (Player == Players.LocalPlayer) then return end local Objects = { Box = Create("Quad", { Visible = false, bad business pastebin PasteShr bad business pastebin Color =, 1, 1), Thickness = 1, Filled = false, ZIndex = 2, }), BoxOutline = Create("Quad", { Visible = false, Color =, Thickness = 3, Filled = false, bad business pastebin How to use it? bad business pastebin ZIndex = 1, }), Name = Create("Text", { Visible = false, Color =, 1, 1), Text = Player.Name, Size = 13, Center = true, Outline = true, OutlineColor =, bad business pastebin How to get it? bad business pastebin Font = Drawing.Fonts.Plex }), Distance = Create("Text", { Visible = false, Color =, 1, 1), Size = 13, Center = true, Outline = true, OutlineColor =, Font = Drawing.Fonts.Plex bad business pastebin How to get it for free? bad business pastebin }), Weapon = Create("Text", { Visible = false, Color =, 1, 1), Size = 13, Center = false, Outline = true, OutlineColor =, Font = Drawing.Fonts.Plex }), bad business pastebin How to dowload it? bad business pastebin Healthbar = Create("Square", { Visible = false, Color =, 1, 0), Thickness = 1, Filled = false, ZIndex = 2 }), HealthbarOutline = Create("Square", { Visible = false, Color =, bad business pastebin How to dowload it? bad business pastebin Thickness = 3, Filled = false, ZIndex = 1 }), } local Connection; Connection = RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function() local Character = Ts.Characters:GetCharacter(Player) if (Character and Character:FindFirstChild("Root") and CheckTeam(Player)) then bad business pastebin PasteShr bad business pastebin local _, OnScreen = CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(Character.Root.Position) local CanShow = OnScreen and Library.flags.esp_enabled if (CanShow) then local Data = GetBoundingBox(Character) local Health, MaxHealth = Character.Health.Value, Character.Health.MaxHealth.Value local DistY = Data.Positions.TopLeft.Y - Data.Positions.BottomRight.Y local HealthbarSize =, DistY) local HealthbarPosition = - (4 + Objects.Healthbar.Size.X), Data.Positions.BottomLeft.Y) bad business pastebin How to get it for free? bad business pastebin Objects.Box.Visible = CanShow and Library.flags.esp_boxes Objects.BoxOutline.Visible = CanShow and Library.flags.esp_boxes for i,v in pairs(Data.Quad) do Objects.Box[i] = v Objects.BoxOutline[i] = v end Objects.Name.Visible = CanShow and Library.flags.esp_names Objects.Name.Text = ParseText(Player.Name) bad business pastebin How to get it for free? bad business pastebin Objects.Name.Position =, Data.Positions.TopLeft.Y - 15) Objects.Distance.Visible = CanShow and Library.flags.esp_distance Objects.Distance.Text = ParseText(math.floor((Character.Root.Position - CurrentCamera.CFrame.p).Magnitude) .. " Studs") Objects.Distance.Position =, Data.Positions.BottomLeft.Y + 3) Objects.Weapon.Visible = CanShow and Library.flags.esp_weapons Objects.Weapon.Text = ParseText(Character.Backpack.Equipped.Value and Character.Backpack.Equipped.Value.Name or "UNKNOWN") Objects.Weapon.Position = + 4, Data.Positions.TopRight.Y - 2) bad business pastebin How to use it? bad business pastebin Objects.Healthbar.Visible = CanShow and Library.flags.esp_healthbars Objects.Healthbar.Size =, HealthbarSize.Y * math.clamp((Health / MaxHealth), 0, 1)) Objects.Healthbar.Position = HealthbarPosition Objects.HealthbarOutline.Visible = CanShow and Library.flags.esp_healthbars Objects.HealthbarOutline.Size = HealthbarSize Objects.HealthbarOutline.Position = HealthbarPosition else for i,v in pairs(Objects) do v.Visible = false bad business pastebin How to use it? bad business pastebin end end else for i,v in pairs(Objects) do v.Visible = false end end end) EspCache[Player] = { bad business pastebin PasteShr bad business pastebin Objects = Objects, Connection = Connection, } end local function RemoveEsp(Player) local Data = EspCache[Player] if (Data) then Data.Connection:Disconnect() bad business pastebin How to get it for free? bad business pastebin for i,v in pairs(Data.Objects) do v:Remove() v = nil end end end Library:Init() bad business pastebin How to dowload it? bad business pastebin -- Fov local CircleInline ="Circle") local CircleOutline ="Circle") RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function() CircleInline.Radius = Library.flags.aimbot_fovradius CircleInline.Thickness = 2 CircleInline.Position =, Mouse.Y + 36) CircleInline.Transparency = 1 CircleInline.Color = Library.flags.aimbot_fovcolor bad business pastebin PasteShr bad business pastebin CircleInline.Visible = Library.flags.aimbot_fovcircle CircleInline.ZIndex = 2 CircleOutline.Radius = Library.flags.aimbot_fovradius CircleOutline.Thickness = 4 CircleOutline.Position =, Mouse.Y + 36) CircleOutline.Transparency = 1 CircleOutline.Color = CircleOutline.Visible = Library.flags.aimbot_fovcircle CircleOutline.ZIndex = 1 bad business pastebin How to dowload it? bad business pastebin end) -- Aimbot local Target local MeleeTarget RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function() Target = GetClosest(Library.flags.aimbot_fovradius) MeleeTarget = GetDistanceClosest(Library.flags.knifeaura_radius) end) bad business pastebin How to dowload it? bad business pastebin RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function() if (Target) then local Character = Ts.Characters:GetCharacter(Target) if (Character and Character.Hitbox[Library.flags.aimbot_hitpart]) then local Position, OnScreen = CurrentCamera:WorldToScreenPoint(Character.Hitbox[Library.flags.aimbot_hitpart].Position) if (Library.flags.aimbot_visiblecheck and not IsVisible(Target)) then return bad business pastebin PasteShr bad business pastebin end if (OnScreen and UserInputService:IsMouseButtonPressed(Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2) and Library.flags.aimbot_enabled and Library.flags.aimbot_type == "Lock on") then mousemoverel((Position.X - Mouse.X) / Library.flags.aimbot_smoothing, (Position.Y - Mouse.Y) / Library.flags.aimbot_smoothing) end end end end) RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function() bad business pastebin How to use it? bad business pastebin local KnifeModel = GetKnifeModel() if (Library.flags.knifeaura_enabled and Library.flags.knifeaura_autoknife and MeleeTarget and KnifeModel) then local Character = Ts.Characters:GetCharacter(MeleeTarget) if (Character) then local Hitbox = Character:FindFirstChild("Hitbox") if (Hitbox) then Ts.Network:Fire("Item_Melee", "StabBegin", KnifeModel) bad business pastebin How to use it? bad business pastebin Ts.Network:Fire("Item_Melee", "Stab", KnifeModel, Hitbox[Library.flags.knifeaura_hitpart], Hitbox[Library.flags.knifeaura_hitpart].Position, end end end end) local CanKnifeRun = true RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function() if (not CanKnifeRun) then bad business pastebin How to dowload it? bad business pastebin return end CanKnifeRun = false local KnifeModel = GetKnifeModel() if (Library.flags.knifeaura_enabled and Library.flags.knifeaura_killall and KnifeModel) then local Target = GetDistanceClosest() bad business pastebin How to get it? bad business pastebin if (Target) then local Character = Ts.Characters:GetCharacter(Target) local LocalCharacter = Ts.Characters:GetCharacter(Player) if (LocalCharacter) then local Magnitude = (LocalCharacter.Root.Position - Character.Root.Position).Magnitude local Mag local BreakAmount bad business pastebin How to dowload it? bad business pastebin if (Library.flags.knifeaura_instanttp) then BreakAmount = math.huge else BreakAmount = 50 end if (Magnitude > BreakAmount) then for i = 0, Magnitude, 0.05 do Mag = (LocalCharacter.Root.Position - Character.Root.Position).Magnitude bad business pastebin How to use it? bad business pastebin if (Mag <= BreakAmount) then break end LocalCharacter.Root.CanCollide = false LocalCharacter.Root.CFrame = LocalCharacter.Root.CFrame:Lerp(Character.Root.CFrame, i / Mag) task.wait(0.025) end end bad business pastebin How to get it for free? bad business pastebin LocalCharacter.Root.CanCollide = true LocalCharacter.Root.CFrame = Character.Root.CFrame *, 0, 5) Ts.Network:Fire("Item_Melee", "StabBegin", KnifeModel) Ts.Network:Fire("Item_Melee", "Stab", KnifeModel, Character.Hitbox[Library.flags.knifeaura_hitpart], Character.Hitbox[Library.flags.knifeaura_hitpart].Position, end end end task.wait(0.35) bad business pastebin How to get it? bad business pastebin CanKnifeRun = true end) local OldLookVector = Ts.Input.Reticle.LookVector; do Ts.Input.Reticle.LookVector = newcclosure(function(...) if (Library.flags.gun_nospread) then return CurrentCamera.CFrame.LookVector end bad business pastebin How to get it? bad business pastebin return OldLookVector(...) end) debug.setupvalue(Ts.Input.Reticle.GetPosition, 2, Ts.Input.Reticle.LookVector) end local OldFire = Ts.Camera.Recoil.Fire; do Ts.Camera.Recoil.Fire = newcclosure(function(...) if (Library.flags.gun_norecoil) then return bad business pastebin How to get it for free? bad business pastebin end return OldFire(...) end) debug.setupvalue(Ts.Camera.Recoil.Update, 2, Ts.Camera.Recoil.Fire) end RunService.Stepped:Connect(function() local Character = Ts.Characters:GetCharacter(Player) bad business pastebin How to use it? bad business pastebin if (Character) then local Root = Character:FindFirstChild("Root") if (Root) then if (Library.flags.misc_fly) then local LookVector = CurrentCamera.CFrame.LookVector local RightVector = CurrentCamera.CFrame.RightVector local UpVector = Root.CFrame.UpVector bad business pastebin How to use it? bad business pastebin local TargetVelocity = local Moving = false if (UserInputService:IsKeyDown("W")) then TargetVelocity = TargetVelocity + LookVector Moving = true end if (UserInputService:IsKeyDown("S")) then TargetVelocity = TargetVelocity + -LookVector bad business pastebin How to use it? bad business pastebin Moving = true end if (UserInputService:IsKeyDown("A")) then TargetVelocity = TargetVelocity + -RightVector Moving = true end if (UserInputService:IsKeyDown("D")) then TargetVelocity = TargetVelocity + RightVector bad business pastebin How to dowload it? bad business pastebin Moving = true end if (UserInputService:IsKeyDown("Space")) then TargetVelocity = TargetVelocity + UpVector Moving = true end if (UserInputService:IsKeyDown("LeftShift")) then TargetVelocity = TargetVelocity + -UpVector bad business pastebin How to use it? bad business pastebin Moving = true end Root.Anchored = not Moving Root.Velocity = TargetVelocity * Library.flags.misc_flyspeed else Root.Anchored = false end end end bad business pastebin How to use it? bad business pastebin end) -- Esp for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do AddEsp(v) end Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(Player) AddEsp(Player) end) bad business pastebin PasteShr bad business pastebin Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(Player) RemoveEsp(Player) end) local Old; Old = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(Self, ...) local Args = {...} local Method = getnamecallmethod() if (not checkcaller() and Method == "FireServer" and Self.Name == "Projectiles") then bad business pastebin How to get it for free? bad business pastebin if (Target and Library.flags.aimbot_enabled and Library.flags.aimbot_type == "Redirection") then local Character = Ts.Characters:GetCharacter(Target) if (Character and Character.Hitbox and Character.Hitbox[Library.flags.aimbot_hitpart] and Args[1] == "__Hit") then --[[if (Library.flags.aimbot_visiblecheck and not IsVisible(Target)) then return end]]-- if (math.random(0, 100) >= Library.flags.aimbot_misspercent) then Args[3] = Character.Hitbox[Library.flags.aimbot_hitpart].Position bad business pastebin How to get it for free? bad business pastebin Args[4] = Character.Hitbox[Library.flags.aimbot_hitpart] Args[6] = Character end end end elseif (Self.Name == "Item_Melee" and Args[1] == "Stab" and Method == "FireServer") then if (MeleeTarget and Library.flags.knifeaura_enabled) then local Character = Ts.Characters:GetCharacter(MeleeTarget) Args[3] = Character.Hitbox[Library.flags.knifeaura_hitpart] bad business pastebin How to use it? bad business pastebin Args[4] = Character.Hitbox[Library.flags.knifeaura_hitpart].Position Args[5] = end end return Old(Self, unpack(Args)) end) bad business pastebin