anal vore bad ending -Anal vore, Good Ending (Winning all events) -Anal vore, Bad ending 1 (Losing anal QTE) -Anal vore, Bad ending 2(If you lose the clit mini-game. Similar to 1, with minor dialogue differences) -Insertion/Unbirth, Bad ending (Lose event inside vagina, this was originally planned to end with the initial part before fade out, following part was added later, which is why the video for that part is borrowed from the prologue, for now at least) -Oral vore, Bad ending 1 (Agree to give x to Nina, lose oral event.) -Oral vore, Bad ending 2 (Refuse to give x to Nina, lose oral event) (-Anal vore, "Good Ending" (Winning all events, Refuse to give x to Nina, same as the other good ending, except it's a possible future branching point)) Note that it is NOT possible to drag Nina out of Elene's mouth during the mouth mini-game! You are only meant to make an effort to save her, a lack of effort comes with "consequences". anal vore bad ending PasteShr anal vore bad ending Mini-Game Cheat Sheet: Rest = s Regular = r Full = f Desperate = d (not needed here, unless you've used too many grips when a spike appears) Spike(doubles grip drain) = * There might be other options available as well, possibly I've missed a way to end with more stamina as well, but these will lead to a perfect run. The order isn't necessarily absolute either, as long as the press amount is correct at the end. So you can't just go f s s r in the clit event, as that would cap your pleasure in the first press, ending the event prematurely. But you could go r s s f, for example. Values can go into the negatives, despite the meters not showing it graphically, at least for the moment. anal vore bad ending How to use it? anal vore bad ending The benefits of a perfect run are mainly quality of life related however (Easier/No QTE), although some future events will probably have progression/storyline related effects as well. Oral: r f f f* f f* Clit rub: s f s r anal vore bad ending PasteShr anal vore bad ending Insertion: s f s f r anal vore bad ending