abdl banana challenge 1. Put a handful each of flour and oatmeal in a diaper and wet the diaper in public. Take the diaper off in a public restroom (use the baby changing room or something) and send a pic from the restroom of the inside of the diaper. 2.In the restroom insert a 30 min suppository and go for a 20 min walk around town or the mall or wherever you are without a diaper. Send a pic of you inserting the suppository and another about 15 mins later of you out and about wherever you are in public. 3.After the walk go back to a toilet and insert 2 bananas and 10 marshmallows into your ass and diaper up. Send a pic of you inserting the bananas and mallows and a pic with your diaper on. 4. Go into a clothes shop with a changing room and grab a tshirt and trousers and go try them on. ( You dont have to actually try the clothes on but you must strip to just your diaper (which is probably quite full now) and take a no face pic of you in just your diaper in the changing room mirror). 5. You can now go home but dont change out of this diaper. Shove your shower hose up your bum and give yourself a 25 second enema. Cut slits in your diaper and add another on top. Send pics of you giving yourself the enema and your double diaper. 6.You must wait try to wait 30 mins before releasing the enema. After you've released the enema you must wait 20 mins to change. If you release the enema early, every minute shy of 30 (e.g. you make it 27 minutes = 3 minutes shy of 30) equals one marshmallow you need to put up your bottom. Send pics of your diaper after the enema release and pics of you inserting the mallows. abdl banana challenge How to use it? abdl banana challenge 7. Add another 8 marshamllows up your bum plus any from part 6 and start a stopwatch. Now blindfold yourself and lay on the floor naked ( you might want lay a towel or something on the floor incase of any accidents). Take the blindold off and see how many minutes away from 20 you were (round up). For every minute away from 20 you must do 10 squats. If you do all your squats without releasing the mallows you can put a diaper on and head back out into public for the next dare. If you release the mallows during your squats soak a diaper in 750ml of freezing cold water and put it on and head out into public. Send a pic of what you look like laying on the floor and of the soaked diaper if you end up having to wear that. You can wait until you've completed the dare including the squats to lay down with your blindfold and take the pic. 8.You must stay in public until you have wet the diaper twice. This may be easy or hard for you depending on wheher you started with a dry or wet diaper. You might want to go out in dark pants and bring spare incase of leaks! If you went out in the pre soaked diaper send a pic of you in a public restroom wearing nothing but the diaper and no matter what diaper you started with send a pic of it (and any wet clothes) after your 2 wettings. 9. Now you're back home this last dare will be quite tricky. You're poor bottom will be very sore by now after a hard day of enemas and stuffing things up there but hey, one more little dare won't hurt, will it? Well, you need to put 3 bananas up your bum followed by a 20 second enema from your shower hose. Now, plug your hole with a rolled up kotex pad (buy some during the day when your out for other parts of the dare if you don't have any). Make sure it goes as deep as possible into your ass. Now you must jog 8 minutes away from your house and back without a diaper on. When you get back set a timer for 15 minutes and do a squat every minute. After the 15 minutes you may put a diaper (or two) on and wait for your tired little sphincter to give up and let everything out. Send pics of you inserting the bananas and the enema, your non diapered ass when your 8 mins away from your house, a pic of your stuffed ass when you're doing your squat (so what I mean is a pic abdl banana challenge PasteShr abdl banana challenge of your hole when your knees are fully bent and your ass is close to the ground and a pic of the mess you make in your diaper when you're finished. You get a point for every dare you complete. If you chicken out of a dare you dont get the point and if you release early in the dares where that is possible (e.g. you release an enema earlier than you should) you also won't get the point. You don't have a point for the dare you just did because you failed it so the max amount of points you can get is 9. Also, if you release early in no.9 then you cannot get the point. When you write my dares try and follow the same layout (dare and required pics) and remember I need 10 dares. The person who gets the most points gets to give the other a punishment dare once this is all completed. abdl banana challenge