universal silent aim script roblox pastebin
local AkaliNotif = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kinlei/Dynissimo/main/Scripts/AkaliNotif.lua"))();
local Notify = AkaliNotif.Notify;
Description = "some_random dude loaded";
Aiming.TargetPart = {"HumanoidRootPart"}
universal silent aim script roblox pastebin PasteShr universal silent aim script roblox pastebin
getgenv().AutoPrediction = true
getgenv().Prediction = 0.157
-- auto prediction highly recommended...
if getgenv().AutoPrediction == true then
local pingvalue = game:GetService("Stats").Network.ServerStatsItem["Data Ping"]:GetValueString()
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local split = string.split(pingvalue,'(')
local ping = tonumber(split[1])
if ping > 200 and ping < 300 then
getgenv().Predictio = 0.18742
elseif ping > 180 and ping < 195 then
getgenv().Predictio = 0.16779123
elseif ping > 140 and ping < 180 then
getgenv().Predictio = 0.16
elseif ping > 110 and ping < 140 then
getgenv().Predictio = 0.15934
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getgenv().Predictio = 0.138
getgenv().Predictio = 0.136
getgenv().Predictio = 0.134
getgenv().Predictio = 0.131
getgenv().Predictio = 0.1229
universal silent aim script roblox pastebin How to get it? universal silent aim script roblox pastebin
getgenv().Predictio = 0.1225
getgenv().Predictio = 0.1256
getgenv().Prediction = getgenv().Predictio
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universal silent aim script roblox pastebin