var e, t, f, h = new CSInterface,
m = h.getSystemPath(SystemPath.USER_DATA) + "/BattleAxe/Overlord/";
return new Promise(function (e, t) {
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for (var t, o = new RegExp(e + "-\\d"), n = a.getTargetSpecifiers(), s = !1, r = 0; r < n.length; r++) - 1 == n[r].search(o) || s || (t = n[r], s = !!a.isAppRunning(t));
a.launchApp(t, !0), console.log(t)
var t = new VulcanMessage(VulcanMessage.TYPE_PREFIX + "com.overlord.vulcan");
t.setPayload(JSON.stringify(e)), VulcanInterface.dispatchMessage(t)
overlord pastebin cyoa How to use it? overlord pastebin cyoa
e = "Overlord", t = h.getSystemPath(SystemPath.EXTENSION) + "/jsx/" + e + ".jsx", 0 === cep.fs.readFile(t).err && (h.evalScript('$.evalFile("' + t + '")'), console.log("loaded:", e)), angular.module("BattleAxe").controller("overlord", ["$scope", "$window", function (n, e) {
var t = window.cep.fs.readFile(e + "/config/prefs.json");
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0 === t.err && (f = JSON.parse(
}(m), n.overlordPrefs = f, t = f.licenseKey || null, o = null != t, n.licenseKey = f.licenseKey, n.unlicensed = !0,
n.isIllustrator = "ILST" === h.getApplicationID(),
n.isAfterEffects = "AEFT" === h.getApplicationID(),
r = ? new Analytics("RU-108148888-1") : new Analytics(""),
n.isIllustrator && r.track("Ai Version", h.getHostEnvironment().appVersion),
n.isAfterEffects && r.track("Ae Version", h.getHostEnvironment().appVersion),
r.track("OS", h.getOSInformation()), r.track("Overlord Version", f.version),
r.track("Overlord License", f.licenseKey), n.switchApp = function (e) {
overlord pastebin cyoa How to dowload it? overlord pastebin cyoa
y(e), r.button("Function Launch", "Switch Apps", 1)
var s = h.getHostEnvironment().appLocale,
pushToAe: "Push selection to Ae",
pullFromAe: "Pull selection from Ae",
pushToAI: "Push selection to Ai",
pullFromAI: "Pull selection from Ai",
centerAnchor: "Center anchor points",
overlord pastebin cyoa How to dowload it? overlord pastebin cyoa
centerLayer: "Layers at comp center",
explodeLayer: "Split shapes to layers",
parametric: "Detect parametric Rectangle/Ellipse",
switchToAe: "Switch to Ae",
switchToAi: "Switch to Ai",
newArtboard: "Matching artboard from comp",
newComp: "Matching comp from artboard",
pushSwatches: "Push selected swatches",
pushGuides: "Push guides to Ae",
breakSymbols: "Break symbols",
overlord pastebin cyoa PasteShr overlord pastebin cyoa
updateShapes: "Update selected Ae shapes",
licenseCopy: "Invoke the ancient pattern to unlock the mysteries.",
placeholder: "Paste license key",
overlord pastebin cyoa PasteShr overlord pastebin cyoa
null == a[s] ? (console.log(s), n.tooltips = a.en_US) : n.tooltips = a[s], console.log("loadToolTips");
var l = '<Menu> <MenuItem Id="settings" Label="' + n.tooltips.settings + '" Enabled="true" Checked="false"/> <MenuItem Id="reload" Label="' + n.tooltips.reload + '" Enabled="true" Checked="false"/> <MenuItem Label="---" /> <MenuItem Id="help" Label="' + + '" Enabled="true" Checked="false"/> </Menu>';
f = n.overlordPrefs, window.cep.fs.writeFile(m + "/config/prefs.json", JSON.stringify(f, null, 2)), v({
overlord pastebin cyoa PasteShr overlord pastebin cyoa
console.log("removeEnteredKey", e), n.unlicensed = e, n.$apply()
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h.setContextMenu(l, function (e) {
"settings" == e && h.requestOpenExtension("com.overlord.modal", ""), "reload" == e && w(), "help" == e && h.openURLInDefaultBrowser("")
}), h.setPanelFlyoutMenu(l), h.addEventListener("", function (e) {
"settings" == && h.requestOpenExtension("com.overlord.modal", ""), "reload" == && w(), "help" == && h.openURLInDefaultBrowser("")
}), h.addEventListener(CSInterface.THEME_COLOR_CHANGED_EVENT, function () {
}), n.bgColor = function () {
var e = h.getHostEnvironment().appSkinInfo.panelBackgroundColor.color;
return n.lightInterface = 128 <, "rgb(" + Math.floor( + ", " + Math.floor( + ", " + Math.floor( + ")"
}, n.toggle = function (e) {
overlord pastebin cyoa PasteShr overlord pastebin cyoa
n.overlordPrefs[e] = !n.overlordPrefs[e], c()
var u = ["Key was not found. Try again.", "Oops. That didn't work. Try again.", "Having trouble? Contact"],
n.checkLicense = function (t) {
console.log("totally approved"), i(!1), f.licenseKey = t, d(), n.message = "Thanks for purchasing!", n.showMessage = !0, c(), setTimeout(function () {
n.showMessage = !1, n.$apply()
}, 1200), r.track("Overlord License", t)
console.log("check license"), navigator.onLine ? $.ajax({
overlord pastebin cyoa PasteShr overlord pastebin cyoa
url: "",
product_permalink: "overlord",
if (404 == e.status) n.tooltips.licenseCopy = u[p], p++, i(!0), console.log("removeEnteredKey");
if (e.purchase.chargebacked) return n.tooltips.licenseCopy = "Purchaser has requested a chargeback. License has been disabled.", i(n.alert = !0), void console.log("removeEnteredKey");
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if (e.purchase.refunded) return n.tooltips.licenseCopy = "This license has been refunded. Buy again to unleash the power.", i(n.alert = !0), void console.log("removeEnteredKey");
console.log("totally approved"), i(!1), f.licenseKey = t, d(), n.message = "Thanks for purchasing!", n.showMessage = !0, c(), setTimeout(function () {
n.showMessage = !1, n.$apply()
}, 1200), r.track("Overlord License", t)
console.log("error"), n.tooltips.licenseCopy = u[p], p = (p + 1) % 3, i(!(n.alert = !1))
}) : n.tooltips.licenseCopy = "Go online to register."
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}, VulcanInterface.addMessageListener(VulcanMessage.TYPE_PREFIX + "com.overlord.vulcan", function (e) {
var t = VulcanInterface.getPayload(e),
"ol_updatePrefs" == o.cmd && (console.log("updatePrefs"), f = JSON.parse(t).prefs, n.overlordPrefs = JSON.parse(t).prefs, n.$apply()), "ol_unlock" == o.cmd && i(!1), "ol_reload" == o.cmd && (console.log("ol_reload"), window.location.reload(!0)), "showMessage" == o.cmd && (console.log("showMessage"), function (e) {
n.message = e, n.showMessage = !0, n.$apply(), setTimeout(function () {
n.showMessage = !1, n.$apply()
}(o.txt)), n.isAfterEffects && "com.overlord.hidden" == h.getExtensionID() && (console.log("vMsg:", o), "newShapes" == o.cmd && (console.log("filter AE context"), f.disableAppSwitching || y("aftereffects"), g("overlord.ae_newShapes(" + t + ")").then(function (e) {
selectedElements = JSON.parse(e), selectedElements.length < 1 && v({
overlord pastebin cyoa How to get it? overlord pastebin cyoa
}), r.button("Preferences", "Explode: " + f.explode, 1), r.button("Preferences", "Parametric: " + f.detectParametrics, 1), r.button("Preferences", "Center Anchor: " + f.centerAnchor, 1), r.button("Preferences", "Center in Comp: " + f.centerLayer, 1)), "pullNewAeShapes" == o.cmd && (console.log("pullNewAeShapes"), n.vulcan_aeItemsToAi("ai_new", o)), "pullCompToArtboard" == o.cmd && (console.log("pullCompToArtboard"), n.vulcan_aeCompToNewArtboard(o)), "swatches" == o.cmd && (console.log("push swatches"), y("aftereffects"), g("overlord.ae_swatches(" + t + ")").then(function (e) {
selectedElements = JSON.parse(e), selectedElements.length < 1 && v({
})), "guides" == o.cmd && (console.log("push guides"), y("aftereffects"), o.aeVersion = h.getHostEnvironment().appVersion, g("overlord.ae_guides(" + JSON.stringify(o) + ")")), "updateShapes" == o.cmd && (console.log("update shape"), y("aftereffects"), g("overlord.ae_updateShapes(" + t + ")")), "updateColor" == o.cmd && (console.log("updateColor"), y("aftereffects"), g("overlord.ae_replaceColor(" + t + ")")), "newComp" == o.cmd && (console.log("newComp"), y("aftereffects"), g("overlord.ae_newComp(" + t + ")"))), n.isIllustrator && "com.overlord.hidden" == h.getExtensionID() && ("ai_new" == o.cmd && (console.log("ai_new"), y("illustrator"), g("overlord.ai_newShapes(" + t + ")")), "pullNewAiShapes" == o.cmd && (console.log("pullNewAiShapes"), n.vulcan_aiItemsToAe("newShapes", o)), "newArtboard" == o.cmd && (console.log("newArtboard"), y("illustrator"), g("overlord.ai_newArtboard(" + t + ")")), "pushArtboardToComp" == o.cmd && (console.log("pushArtboardToComp"), n.vulcan_aiArtboardToNewComp(o)), "pullArtboardToComp" == o.cmd && (console.log("pullArtboardToComp"), n.vulcan_aiArtboardToNewComp(o)))
}), n.getAiElement = function () {
g("overlord.ai_getSelection(" + JSON.stringify({
overlord pastebin cyoa PasteShr overlord pastebin cyoa
}) + ")").then(function (e) {
}, n.openSettings = function () {
h.requestOpenExtension("com.overlord.modal", "")
}, n.vulcan_aiItemsToAe = function (t, o) {
r.button("Function Launch", "Ai=>Ae - Push", 1);
overlord pastebin cyoa How to dowload it? overlord pastebin cyoa
n = o.altKey, s = o.shiftKey
g("overlord.ai_getSelection(" + JSON.stringify({
}) + ")").then(function (e) {
(selectedElements = JSON.parse(e), null != selectedElements.message && alert("balls"), selectedElements.length < 1) ? v({
overlord pastebin cyoa PasteShr overlord pastebin cyoa
txt: "Select Ai shapes first"
shapes: selectedElements,
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txt: "Open an Ai doc first"
}, n.vulcan_pullShapes = function (e) {
"pullNewAiShapes" == e && r.button("Function Launch", "Ai=>Ae - Pull", 1), "pullNewAeShapes" == e && r.button("Function Launch", "Ae=>Ai - Pull", 1);
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}, n.pullArtboardToComp = function () {
cmd: event.shiftKey ? "pullCompToArtboard" : "pullArtboardToComp",
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shiftKey: event.shiftKey,
}, n.pullCompToArtboard = function () {
cmd: event.shiftKey ? "pullArtboardToComp" : "pullCompToArtboard",
shiftKey: event.shiftKey,
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}, n.vulcan_aiGuidesToAe = function () {
r.button("Function Launch", "Guides to Ae", 1), g("overlord.ai_getGuides(" + JSON.stringify({
}) + ")").then(function (e) {
(selectedElements = JSON.parse(e), selectedElements.length < 1) ? v({
txt: "No guides in Ai doc"
overlord pastebin cyoa How to use it? overlord pastebin cyoa
shapes: selectedElements,
}, n.vulcan_aiBreakSymbols = function () {
r.button("Function Launch", "Guides to Ae", 1), g("overlord.ai_breakSymbols(" + JSON.stringify({
overlord pastebin cyoa How to get it? overlord pastebin cyoa
}) + ")").then(function (e) {
return breakCount = JSON.parse(e), 0 < breakCount ? void v({
txt: 1 < breakCount ? breakCount + " symbols broken" : breakCount + " symbol broken"
txt: "Select some symbols first"
}, n.vulcan_aiSwatchesToAe = function () {
overlord pastebin cyoa How to dowload it? overlord pastebin cyoa
r.button("Function Launch", "Swatches to Ae - Ray: " + n.overlordPrefs.newRay, 1);
g("overlord.ai_getSwatches(" + JSON.stringify({
}) + ")").then(function (e) {
(swatchList = JSON.parse(e), swatchList.length < 1) ? v({
txt: "Select Ai swatches first"
overlord pastebin cyoa PasteShr overlord pastebin cyoa
rayPresetPath: function () {
for (var e = h.getSystemPath(SystemPath.USER_DATA) + "/Aescripts/Ray/", t = cep.fs.readdir(e).data, o = null, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) - 1 != t[n].search(/Ray Master Color v.+\.ffx$/) && (o = e + t[n]);
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orientation: f.swatchOrientation
}, n.vulcan_aeItemsToAi = function (t, o) {
r.button("Function Launch", "Ae=>Ai - Push", 1);
overlord pastebin cyoa How to dowload it? overlord pastebin cyoa
n = o.altKey, s = o.shiftKey
g("overlord.ae_getSelection(" + JSON.stringify({
}) + ")").then(function (e) {
(selectedElements = JSON.parse(e), selectedElements.length < 1) ? v({
overlord pastebin cyoa How to get it? overlord pastebin cyoa
txt: "Select Ae shapes first"
shapes: selectedElements,
overlord pastebin cyoa How to use it? overlord pastebin cyoa
}, n.vulcan_aeCompToNewArtboard = function (t) {
r.button("Function Launch", "New Comp: " + f.newArtboard, 1);
o = t.altKey, n = t.shiftKey
g("overlord.ae_getComp(" + JSON.stringify({
overlord pastebin cyoa How to get it for free? overlord pastebin cyoa
}) + ")").then(function (e) {
(selectedElements = JSON.parse(e), selectedElements.length < 1) ? v({
txt: "Select Ae comp first"
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}, n.vulcan_aiArtboardToNewComp = function (t) {
r.button("Function Launch", "New Artboard: " + f.newArtboard, 1);
o = t.altKey, n = t.shiftKey
overlord pastebin cyoa PasteShr overlord pastebin cyoa
g("overlord.ai_getArtboard(" + JSON.stringify({
}) + ")").then(function (e) {
selectedElements = JSON.parse(e), v({
overlord pastebin cyoa How to get it? overlord pastebin cyoa
txt: "Create an Ai artboard first"
}, n.launchUrl = function (e) {
}]), $(document).ready(function () {
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