getgenv().Nova = { -- // Some Stuff Isnt Working Due To Errors.
['Key'] = "Your Whitelist Key.",
['Intro'] = true, -- // Currently Broken?
['Version'] = "Latest", -- // Latest Only Or Script Breaks.
['Intro_Type'] = "Funny" -- // "Notification", "Funny"
['Type'] = "Target", -- // Target, FOV
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['Prediction'] = 0.13873,
['Ignore_Parts'] = false, -- // Wip
['Ignore_Parts'] = {"Parts"},
['HitPart'] = "HumanoidRootPart",
['HitPart_Type'] = "Normal", -- // Normal
['Notifications'] = true,
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['AirShot_Function'] = true,
['Airshot_Part'] = "UpperTorso"
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['Color'] = Color3.fromRGB(1, 1, 1),
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['Color'] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
Aimbot = { -- // Universal.
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['HitPart_Type'] = "Normal", -- // Normal
['Airshot_Function'] = false,
['Airshot_HitPart'] = "LowerTorso",
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Shake = { -- // Keep This On.
['Style'] = "Put Ur Easing Style Here", -- // Easing Styles
['Direction'] = "Put Ur Easing Direction Here", -- // Easing Directions
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MemSpoofer = { -- // This Also Spoofs F9 Memory.
Checks = { -- Da Hood Checks.
['Knocked'] = true, -- //
['Crew'] = true, -- // Checks IF Player Is In The Same Crew As You.
['Wall'] = false, -- // Wall Check For Silent, Aim Assist.
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['Friend'] = true, -- // Checks The Tab Thing To See If Plr Is Your Friend.
['Grabbed'] = true, -- // Checks If Player Is Grabbed.
['Anti_Curve'] = true -- X, Y, Z Stuff + Uses Character NOT Mouse.
['Wall'] = false, -- // Wall Check For Silent, Aim Assist.
['Knocked'] = true, -- //
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['FOV_Type'] = "Silent", -- // Silent, Aimbot
['FOV_Size'] = "/f", -- // Fov Radius
['Predict_Type'] = "Silent", -- // "Silent", "Aimbot"
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['Anti_Aim_Viewer'] = true,
['Enabled'] = true, -- // WIP
['Type'] = "Recalculation" -- // Recalculation, Direction, Velocity
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['Position'] = "bottomleft",
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local NotificationHolder = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local Notification = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local function SendNotification(text)
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{Title = "Nova | Public Version", Description = ".gg/externals | "..text},
{OutlineColor = Color3.fromRGB(111,111,111),Time = 3, Type = "image"},
{Image = "", ImageColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)}
SendNotification("Loading Assets.")
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SendNotification("Bypassing Anticheat... ")
SendNotification("Loading Into Workspace...")
if getgenv().CheckIfScriptLoaded == true then
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SendNotification("Loaded Settings.")
getgenv().CheckIfScriptLoaded = true
if not LPH_OBFUSCATED then
LPH_JIT_MAX = function(...)
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LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE = function(...)
local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
local Client = LocalPlayer
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local Character = LocalPlayer.Character or LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local GetPlayers = Players.GetPlayers
local Mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
local TPservice= game:GetService("TeleportService")
local GetPlayers = Players.GetPlayers
local Mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
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local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
local GuiService = game:GetService("GuiService")
local CurrentCamera = Workspace.CurrentCamera
local TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService")
local GetGuiInset = GuiService.GetGuiInset
local Circle1 ="Circle")
local Circle2 ="Circle")
local Plr,Plr2,IsTargetting
function WallCheck (destination, ignore)
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if (getgenv().Nova.Checks.Silent.Wall) then
local Origin = Camera.CFrame.p
local CheckRay =, destination - Origin)
local Hit = game:GetService("Workspace"):FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(CheckRay, ignore)
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local WTS = (function(Object)
local ObjectVector = CurrentCamera:WorldToScreenPoint(Object.Position)
return, ObjectVector.Y)
local Filter = (function(obj)
if (obj:IsA('BasePart')) then
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local MousePosVector2 = (function()
return, Mouse.Y)
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Circle2.Visible = getgenv().Nova.FOV.Silent.Visible
Circle2.Radius = getgenv().Nova.FOV.Silent.Size * 2.1
Circle2.Position =, Mouse.Y + GetGuiInset(GuiService).Y)
Circle2.Filled = getgenv().Nova.FOV.Silent.Filled
Circle2.Transparency = getgenv().Nova.FOV.Silent.Transparency
Circle2.Thickness = getgenv().Nova.FOV.Silent.Thickness
Circle2.NumSides = getgenv().Nova.FOV.Silent.Sides
Circle2.Color = getgenv().Nova.FOV.Silent.Color
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RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function() AimbotFOV() SilentFOV()end)
Circle1.Visible = getgenv().Nova.FOV.Aimbot.Visible
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Circle1.Radius = getgenv().Nova.FOV.Aimbot.Size * 2.1
Circle1.Position =, Mouse.Y + GetGuiInset(GuiService).Y)
Circle1.Filled = getgenv().Nova.FOV.Aimbot.Filled
Circle1.Transparency = getgenv().Nova.FOV.Aimbot.Transparency
Circle1.Thickness = getgenv().Nova.FOV.Aimbot.Thickness
Circle1.NumSides = getgenv().Nova.FOV.Aimbot.Sides
Circle1.Color = getgenv().Nova.FOV.Aimbot.Color
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local ClosestPlrFromMouse = function()
for _ ,v in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
if (v.Character and v ~= Client and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")) and WallCheck(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position, {Client, v.Character}) then
local Position, OnScreen = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
local Distance = (, Position.Y) -, Mouse.Y)).Magnitude
if (Circle2.Radius > Distance and Distance < Closest and OnScreen and Position) then
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local GetClosestBodyPart = (function()
local ShortestDistance = math.huge
for _, v in next, game.Players:GetPlayers() do
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if (v ~= Client and v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")) then
for k, x in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do
local Distance = (WTS(x) - MousePosVector2()).magnitude
if (Distance < ShortestDistance) then
ShortestDistance = Distance
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if getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.Airshot_Function == true then
if Plr.Character.Humanoid.Jump == true and Plr.Character.Humanoid.FloorMaterial == Enum.Material.Air then
getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.HitPart = getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.Airshot_HitPart
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if new == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall then
getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.HitPart = getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.Airshot_HitPart
getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.HitPart = getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.HitPart
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local Keybind = getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.Key:lower()
if getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.Enabled == true then
IsTargetting = not IsTargetting
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if getgenv().Nova.FOV.Aimbot.UseFov == true then
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local shortestDistance = getgenv().Nova.FOV.Aimbot.Size
for i, v in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
if v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer and v.Character and
v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and WallCheck(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position, {Client, v.Character}) then
local pos = CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character.PrimaryPart.Position)
(, pos.Y) -, Mouse.Y)).magnitude
if (, pos.Y) -, Mouse.Y)).magnitude < shortestDistance then
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shortestDistance = magnitude
elseif getgenv().Nova.FOV.Aimbot.UseFov == false then
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local shortestDistance = getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.Distance
for i, v in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
if v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer and v.Character and
v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and WallCheck(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position, {Client, v.Character}) then
local pos = CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character.PrimaryPart.Position)
(, pos.Y) -, Mouse.Y)).magnitude
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if (, pos.Y) -, Mouse.Y)).magnitude < shortestDistance then
shortestDistance = magnitude
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if getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.Enabled == true and Plr and Plr.Character ~= nil then
if getgenv().Nova.Shake.Shake then
local Main =,Plr.Character[getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.HitPart].Position + Plr.Character[getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.HitPart].Velocity*getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.Prediction +
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Camera.CFrame = Camera.CFrame:Lerp(Main,getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.Smoothness,Enum.EasingStyle.Sine,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Bounce,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential,Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
local Main =,Plr.Character[getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.HitPart].Position + Plr.Character[getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.HitPart].Velocity*getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.Prediction)
Camera.CFrame = Camera.CFrame:Lerp(Main,getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.Smoothness,Enum.EasingStyle[getgenv().Nova.Easing.Style],Enum.EasingDirection[getgenv().Nova.Easing.Direction])
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if getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.Enabled == true and Plr and Plr.Character ~= nil then
if getgenv().Nova.Checks.Aimbot.Knocked then
if Plr.Character.BodyEffects["K.O"].Value then Plr = nil
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local grmt = getrawmetatable(game)
local backupindex = grmt.__index
grmt.__index = newcclosure(function(self, v)
if (getgenv().Nova.Silent.Enabled and Mouse and tostring(v) == "Hit") then
Plr2 = ClosestPlrFromMouse()
local endpoint = game.Players[tostring(Plr2)].Character[getgenv().Nova.Silent.HitPart].CFrame + (
game.Players[tostring(Plr2)].Character[getgenv().Nova.Silent.HitPart].Velocity *getgenv().Nova.Silent.Prediction
camlock script pastebin PasteShr camlock script pastebin
return (tostring(v) == "Hit" and endpoint)
return backupindex(self, v)
if getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.Smoothing and getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.Enabled == true then
local Main =, Plr.Character[getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.HitPart].Position + Plr.Character[getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.HitPart].Velocity*getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.Prediction)
camlock script pastebin How to use it? camlock script pastebin
workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame = workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame:Lerp(Main,getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.Smoothness,Enum.EasingStyle[getgenv().Nova.Easing.Style],Enum.EasingDirection[getgenv().Nova.Easing.Direction])
elseif getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.Smoothing == false and getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.Enabled == true then
workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame =, Plr.Character[getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.HitPart].Position + Plr.Character[getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.HitPart].Velocity*getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.Prediction)
if getgenv().Nova.Cmds.Enabled then
local args = string.split(message, " ")
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if args[1] == getgenv().Nova.Cmds.FOV_Size and getgenv().Nova.Cmds.FOV_Type == "Silent" and args[2] ~= nil then
getgenv().Nova.FOV.Silent.Size = tonumber(args[2])
elseif args[1] == getgenv().Nova.Cmds.FOV_Size and getgenv().Nova.Cmds.FOV_Type == "Aimbot" and args[2] ~= nil then
getgenv().Nova.FOV.Aimbot.Size = tonumber(args[2])
if getgenv().Nova.Cmds.Enabled then
local args = string.split(message, " ")
if args[1] == getgenv().Nova.Cmds.Pred_Value and getgenv().Nova.cmds.Predict_Type == "Silent" and args[2] ~= nil then
getgenv().Nova.Silent.Prediction = tonumber(args[2])
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elseif args[1] == getgenv().Nova.Cmds.Pred_Value and getgenv().Nova.cmds.Predict_Type == "Aimbot" and args[2] ~= nil then
getgenv().Nova.Aimbot.Prediction = tonumber(args[2])
if getgenv().Nova.Silent.UseKeyBind then
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if (Key == getgenv().Nova.Silent.Key:lower()) then
if getgenv().Nova.Silent.Enabled == true then
getgenv().Nova.Silent.Enabled = false
SendNotification("Silent Disabled.")
getgenv().Nova.Silent.Enabled = true
SendNotification("Silent Enabled.")
camlock script pastebin PasteShr camlock script pastebin
if getgenv().Nova.Checks.Silent.Grabbed == true and player and player.Character then
if player.Character:FindFirstChild("GRABBING_CONSTRAINT") then
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if getgenv().Nova.Checks.Silent.Crew == true then
local newPlayer = game.Players.PlayerAdded:wait()
if player:IsInGroup(newPlayer.Group) then
table.insert(Ignored.Players, newPlayer)
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function TargetChecks(Target)
if getgenv().Nova.Checks.Silent.Knocked == true and Target.Character then
return Target.Character.BodyEffects["K.O"].Value and true or false
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local character = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
if getgenv().Nova.Checks.Silent.Anti_Curve and character and character.PrimaryPart then
local characterCf = character.PrimaryPart.CFrame
local target = self.Character.HumanoidRootPart
local targetPos = target.Position
local charPos = character.PrimaryPart.Position
character:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CFrame.lookAt(charPos, v3(targetPos.X, charPos.Y, targetPos.Z)))
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if getgenv().Nova.Checks.Silent.Friend then
if table.find(Script.Friends, Target.UserId) then
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local function AntiGroundShots()
if self ~= nil and getgenv().Nova.AntiGroundShots.Enabled and self.Character.Humanoid:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall then
local currentvelocity = self.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Velocity
self.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Velocity =, currentvelocity.Y / getgenv().Nova.AntiGroundShots.Delay, currentvelocity.Z)
while getgenv().Nova.AutoPrediction.Enabled == true do
local Ping = game:GetService("Stats").Network.ServerStatsItem["Data Ping"]:GetValueString()
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local pingNumber = string.split(Ping, " ")[1] -10
getgenv().Nova.Silent.Prediction = getgenv().Nova.AutoPrediction.Ping_10
elseif pingNumber < 20 then
getgenv().Nova.Silent.Prediction = getgenv().Nova.AutoPrediction.Ping_20
elseif pingNumber < 30 then
getgenv().Nova.Silent.Prediction = getgenv().Nova.AutoPrediction.Ping_30
elseif pingNumber < 40 then
getgenv().Nova.Silent.Prediction = getgenv().Nova.AutoPrediction.Ping_40
elseif pingNumber < 50 then
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getgenv().Nova.Silent.Prediction = getgenv().Nova.AutoPrediction.Ping_50
elseif pingNumber < 60 then
getgenv().Nova.Silent.Prediction = getgenv().Nova.AutoPrediction.Ping_60
elseif pingNumber < 70 then
getgenv().Nova.Silent.Prediction = getgenv().Nova.AutoPrediction.Ping_70
elseif pingNumber < 80 then
getgenv().Nova.Silent.Prediction = getgenv().Nova.AutoPrediction.Ping_80
elseif pingNumber < 90 then
getgenv().Nova.Silent.Prediction = getgenv().Nova.AutoPrediction.Ping_90
elseif pingNumber < 100 then
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getgenv().Nova.Silent.Prediction = getgenv().Nova.AutoPrediction.Ping_100
elseif pingNumber < 110 then
getgenv().Nova.Silent.Prediction = getgenv().Nova.AutoPrediction.Ping_110 + 0.02
elseif pingNumber < 120 then
getgenv().Nova.Silent.Prediction = getgenv().Nova.AutoPrediction.Ping_120 + 0.03
elseif pingNumber < 130 then
getgenv().Nova.Silent.Prediction = getgenv().Nova.AutoPrediction.Ping_130 + 0.04
elseif pingNumber < 140 then
getgenv().Nova.Silent.Prediction = getgenv().Nova.AutoPrediction.Ping_140 + 0.05
elseif pingNumber < 150 then
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getgenv().Nova.Silent.Prediction = getgenv().Nova.AutoPrediction.Ping_150
if getgenv().Nova.Options.Intro and getgenv().Nova.Options.Intro_Type == "Notification" then
elseif getgenv().Nova.Options.Intro and getgenv().Nova.Options.Intro_Type == "Funny" then
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local Sound ="Sound")
Sound.SoundId = ""
Sound.Parent = game.Workspace
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local Image ="Image")
local Screen = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize
Image.Data = game:HttpGet("")
Image.Position =,0)
Image.Size =,Screen.Y)
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Image.Transparency = 1 - (i / 110)
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